Category: Coffeehouse #3 (Page 1 of 2)

How do narcissistic mothers affect the lives of their daughters ? Well, a narcissist is a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. To go deeper into the topic, it’s a disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention, admiration, troubled relationships and lack of empathy for others. Being a narcissist is one thing, but being a narcissistic parent reaches another level. Raising a child with these traits and tendencies could affect them in the long run. A parent is someone who’s supposed to bring up and care for another. It’s the process of encouraging and supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of their child from birth to adulthood. What happens when the parental figure in their life has narcissistic traits and conflicts them onto their child ?

Sara Beharry annotations

Longitudinal  Mental Health Impact Among Police Responders the 911 Attacks

Multiple people are the author of this article Bowler, Rosemarie M Harris, Matthew Li, Jiehui Gocheva, Vihra Stellman, Steven D Wilson, Katherine Alper, Howard Schwarzer, Ralf Cone, James E. This shows that this must be an accurate article. Also this article is found at shows that it is likely to be a reliable source. Rosemarie Bowler went to San Francisco University and is a Neuropsychologist who researches about the affects  disasters. There’s also multiple references that show that this is peer reviewed article. This article also cites where it got in information by citing multiple sources. I think it’s a high reliable source because it shows multiple references and is peer reviewed .

Tv under Kids

Does TV affect children’s brains? Why do anime shows teach children about killing people and being introduced to sex too early? Should children watch these resources too early? Television is an important part of every person’s childhood life because they always grabbed their backpacks and went back home to watch their favorite movies when the school bell rang. Children went through an immersive experience through television and lived in their childish of their own world. Sometimes, this self-attract becomes a cause for concern, depending on what type of shows are being watched. According to “Kids Health” it demonstrates “too much screen time can be bad things because of obesity, the increase of poor behaviors, and bad attitudes.” More specifically, when children unconsciously watch adult TV programs “Family Guy” it may lead to depression or even affect their physical and mental health of them.

How is U.N helping to cause peace in the Russian Ukraine war? Mekhrubon E

United Nations, currently made up of 193 member states and two permanent non-observer states, is an intergovernmental organization whose purpose is to maintain peace and security among nations. It was established after WWII with the goal to prevent future wars. Its headquarters are in New York City, where all the world’s nations can gather together to discuss problems and share solutions that benefit everyone.

On February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine, internationally considered a war of aggression, military conflict for territorial gain. In October 2021, Russia began moving troops and military equipment near its border with Ukraine, satellite images, social media posts showed missiles and heavy weapons moving toward Ukraine with no explanation. By December more than one hundred troops wear near the border between Ukraine and Russia and officials warned that Russian might be planning to invade Ukraine. Russia reached U.S. and NATO and set demands to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO in the future, but NATO and allies rejected these demands and imposed severe economic penalties. On February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine, internationally considered a war of aggression, military conflict for territorial gain. More than 900 civilians have died and another 1469 have been wounded, bombing an art school in Ukrainian port city in Mariupol leading to 800 people being sheltered.

While in the U.N, the general assembly has voted to demand that Russia stop and withdraw all its troops. The results were 142 states in favor while 5 are against and 35 are in abstention. U.E. ambassador Olof Skoog quoted “The world has spoken. The Russian government must immediately stop the aggression, withdraw its troops, and abide by the rules of the UN Charter that apply to all, equally.”This is not just about Ukraine, he continued. This is not just about Europe. This is about defending an international order based on rules we all have signed up to, and the sovereign equality of all states, large and small. This is about whether we choose tanks and missiles, or dialogue and diplomacy.” Peaceful action against the Russian Ukrainen war must be taken soon or later it can cause the world a disaster WWIII and will horribly impact each of our life.

How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Young Adults?

Masuda K. How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Young Adults?

   What are some affects of not having enough sleep?   Sleep is essential for the body and mind to function properly. However, a lot of people don’t get enough sleep, and suffers from sleep deprivation, specifically young adults who are attending school and colleges.They stay up late and ends up not having enough sleep, weather they are doing their assignment or studying for an exam for the next morning. We know that sleep plays a big role on our brain, so does sleep deprivation affect young people academically? People tends to sleep during the day or take naps when they do not get enough sleep during the night. But is that a thing to make up for night sleep with naps during the day, and does this method actually work?

Nandita Chowdhury- How do wildfires impact across the western U.S?

A wildfire is an unexpected, large, and destructive fire that burns over a wilderness or rural area such as forest, grassland, prairie, brushland or land sown to crops. They can cause injuries or death to people and animals. Unlike other types of fires, it spreads very quickly across wide areas, changes direction suddenly, and can overcome large obstacles like rivers and roads. They have great destructive power.

Although the immediate causes that give rise to wildfires can be very varied, in all of them the same assumptions are made, that is, the existence of large masses of vegetation in concurrence with more or less prolonged periods of drought. The solar heat causes dehydration in the plants, which recover the lost water from the substrate. However, when the soil moisture drops below 30%, the plants are unable to obtain water from the soil, which gradually dries them up. This process initiates the emission into the atmosphere of ethylene, a chemical compound present in vegetation and extremely combustible. But then, a double phenomenon occurs, both the plants and the air that surrounds them turns out to be easily flammable and multiplies the risk of fire. And if you add to these conditions the existence of periods of high temperatures and strong or moderate winds, the probability that a simple spark causes a fire becomes significant. On the other hand, regardless of whether the physical conditions are more or less favorable to a fire, it should be stated that, in the majority of cases, it is not natural causes that cause the fire, but human action, either intentionally or not.

Kofil Uddin: Is the use of social media hurting teenagers or rather helping them?

During these past few years, social media has had a big effect on teenagers. It was mostly around 2019-2021. Especially throughout the first few incidents relating to the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the black lives matter protests, and many others. These events I am researching are going to be specifically the ones that took place in New York City. There are many that say that social media can be seen as good and others say that it is bad. Most of the population who use it are teenagers. Social media has many helpful aspects to it such as being able to use it as a form of communication, to look at the latest news, events, trends, and interact with their friends on a daily basis. The negative aspects are how it can cause depression, anxiety, cases of cyberbullying, etc. To figure out if social media has more good than bad I will research what causes social media to be as popular as it is and how it affects the teenagers living in New York. There have been many instances and events where the use of social media has taken a huge role in those events.

Rayen Osorio-Why are college students sleep deprived and how does it affect their daily life?

Sleep deprivation is a common issue amongst college students that continues to grow and affect their daily life. This is due to students trying to manage work, social life, and various types of entertainment all at once. Throughout the years the different factors that can make a student sleep deprived have only increased and it is important that we know about them since it is something that affects our daily life and how we behave. Students get stressed out which only contributes to them being even more sleep deprived. For example during midterms, and final exams the chances of students staying up all night studying are very high causing them to be sleep deprived in the morning. Not only that, but many students have multiple jobs and issues in their personal life to deal with as well. Since their doing so many things at once without enough sleep it cause them to have mood changes, not be energized enough, constantly yawning, have a tendency to dose off, and overall just having bad concentration and not performing tasks to their best potential.

Sara Beharry

How was peoples mental health affected after 911 attack in 2001?

On September 11th  the Twin Towers were struck by an airplane. And the aftermath took a toll on a lot of people. People who were directly affected by September 11th were diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.  Although research from NYC 911 Health also states that( “However, a substantial number not directly affected also met the criteria for probable PTSD.”) This shows that both people who dealt with 911 were badly affected by the disaster. People who had loved ones involved in the help of 911 were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. After 911 the city was eerie and people were helping each other out. A lot of low income people after the attack were more likely to face depression and anxiety.  People who had an anxiety and depression were more likely to have suffer from the twice the amount.  Children were affected by 911 as well, they became worried and stressed.  People’s loved ones who were killed in the attack ended up being diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, an anxiety disorder, and depression. They also had to deal with the pain of grieving their loved ones. People also ended up having substance abuse problems.

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