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Carlos Cortez Research annotations

According to an article from “American Psychological Association” it states “Based on a review of the current literature, the new task force report (PDF, 285 KB) reaffirms that there is a small, reliable association between violent video game use and aggressive outcomes, such as yelling and pushing. However, these research findings are difficult to extend to more violent outcomes”. During this study the only aggressive behaviors found were yelling and pushing when playing video games. Other than that, the American psychological association haven’t found any other aggressive and/or violent behavior. People most likely are yelling and pushing during them playing video games because they would like to win others playing the game. They would push others so they could distract others playing the game. In doing this they will have a sort of advantage in winning. These reactions are very common for people playing video games, but not limited to them. When playing other games such as tag or hide and go seek people will do these types of behavior to make people lose. In reality these behaviors are common in most people even in adults not only people that play video games. The American Psychological Association has run many studies to provide information on this topic. 

Source : https://www.apa.org/science/leadership/bsa/report-violent-video-games.pdf


In Addition CBS News has done their own studies to help people understand if videogames are responsible for the violent behavior that many people have. In the article”Do violent video games lead to criminal behavior?” by Michael Casey, it states, ”One can never know for sure whether playing violent video games causes violent criminal behavior, because it is unethical for researchers to allow participants to engage in violent criminal behavior in their laboratory experiments”. Meaning that scientists aren’t so sure if video games are the cause of the violent behavior due to the people that participated in the experiment couldn’t and weren’t allowed to do criminal behavior after playing video games. This causes the experiment to not have one hundred percent of results that lead to a final answer. How will scientists get an answer if the participants can’t commit a criminal act? Another quote from the article is “ But the task force also found that the video games alone can’t explain this aggression. Rather, it concluded that the “accumulation of risk factors,” such as antisocial behavior, depression, trouble at home, delinquency or academic problems, also played a role.” For an answer to finally be given they will need to figure out the person first and if all factors such as rough childhood or depression or other things are causing that person to be violent or aggressive. Not only does video games that have violence can cause violent behavior but it can contribute to it making the situation worse.


Finally, award-winning writer and photographer Robert Preidt, who also has 20 years of experience, in his article “No Evidence Violent Video Games Lead to Real Violence:Study” he goes on to say that “The possible link is often brought up after mass shootings where perpetrators had an interest in violent video games.” For example, the shooting that took place in Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were murdered, and injuring 17 others. The shooter was Nikolas Cruz, someone who liked to play the most recognized and popular video game, Call Of Duty, as he did this violent act he would quote some lines of the game. Which sparked the question again, does video games cause violence, Robert Preidt goes on to say that “But some experts suggest that other factors, such as mental illness and/or easy access to guns, are more likely explanations for mass shootings.” which was true for the case of Nikolas Cruz who suffered from depression, ADHD and autism. In my opinion Robert Preidt article is well informed. 


1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    Great start. You have a lot of the annotations in place. As you revise please work on the following;
    —Number each of the six parts for each annotation
    —Begin with an accurate MLA citation for the source
    —Determine the type of writing: scientific, journalistic, humorous, personal narrative, analytical, etc.
    –Take out your opinion–except for the #3, which the place to insert your opinion. It seems after each sentence, you then editorialize. This project is not about editorializing.
    —Be sure to include a quotation from each source and then reflect on it

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