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Class Information for Monday, Nov 15

Agenda for Wednesday, Nov 15

1–Freewrite: open subject

2–Ethics Handout: 5 Types of Ethics in Readings menu tab. Read together.

3–15 minutes work in class: characters in Say Hello, Wave Goodbye. Question: what type of ethics does a character seem to follow.








How should the types be ranked?

Jazz: DEONTOLOGY; Virtue Ethics; Utilitarianism; Feminist Ethics; Global ethics

What about: Megan, Man in Black, Donald


Homework for Wednesday, Nov 17: read the story “Assimilation” by Doctorow and prepare for Quiz 2– our second major in-class quiz. 1 question on globalization, 1 on Interpreter of Maladies and 2 questions on ethics and “Assimilation.”

Class Information for Wednesday, Nov 10

Agenda for Wednesday, Nov 10


2–Tony Parsons’s story: Characters and who is most and least guilty


4–Ethics Handout: 5 types of ethics in Readings menu tab


Homework due Monday (11/15) before class: Apply one type of ethics to “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” by Tony Parsons. In 200 words, explore a character’s actions and what type of ethics they seem to follow. Review the handout on 5 Types of Ethics before starting this assignment. Post to OpenLab Category: ” Extra Credit Coffeehouse #6″ for extra credit points: 5 points added to any quiz or coffeehouse assignment (please tell me the assignment!!!)

Class Information for Monday, Nov 8

Agenda for Monday, Nov 8




–Midterm Essay notes


–Midterm Grades


–Read “Interpreter of Maladies” paragraphs in class


–Character decisions: who is right or wrong. Leading to a discussion of ethics.


Homework due Wednesday, Nov 10: Read Tony Parsons’ story: “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” and bring one question to class. Also: who is the worst or most guilty passenger and who is the least guilty passenger? Double participation points will be awarded.

Class Information for Wednesday, Nov 3

Agenda for Wednesday, Nov 3



2–Discuss Globalization


–Homework for Monday, Nov 8: 

Read “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri, and then prepare a short paragraph about the story to tell the class (there is nothing to submit, this will be a conversation). I will call on each student. 


In order to have a vibrant discussion, I will count participation as double on Monday.


Use the following questions to help prepare your paragraph (You do not have to answer all of these questions. This is a guide):

–Who are the main characters and how can they be described?

–Describe 3-5 main plot points.

–Describe the setting.

–What is the narration style?

–What symbols or metaphors does the story contain?

–What types of globalization are at work? EG, DG, Object-EG, Organization-EG, and what about the four qualities of Globalization that Steger describes?

Class Information for Monday, Nov 1

Hi Class,

Today we will spend considerable time on A Good Fall as it will help set the foundation for some of the ideas that our last unit on Globalization and Ethics in short stories.


2–in class writing and thinking session on questions

3–Q & A

HOMEWORK: Find an example of globalization around you and be prepared to explain how it fits within Manfred Steger’s ideas on globalization.  While you do not need to turn anything in, you should write down a few details about it. For example, my iPhone 12 is an example of object-extended globalization as it combines rare-earth materials from all over the planet. Also, the digital information shared on this object is an example of disembodied globalization.


Class Information for Wednesday, Oct 27

Agenda for Wed, Oct 27



Student choice: What achievement would you like to accomplish before the end of 2021?

Teacher’s choice: How did the Midterm Gothic Essay go? Especially what was easy and what was hard?


*quotations–correct way to use parenthetical citations


2– Four Exchange concepts:

Oct 4–Redemption

Oct 6–Sacrifice


justice as a noun (countable and uncountable, plural justices)

      1. The state or characteristic of being just or fair. quotations ▼
        the justice of a description
      2. The ideal of fairness, impartiality, etc., especially with regard to the punishment of wrongdoing.
        Justice was served.
      3. Judgment and punishment of a party who has allegedly wronged another.
        to demand justice
      4. The civil power dealing with law.
        Ministry of Justice
        the justice system



noun: revenge (usually uncountable, plural revenges)

      1. Any form of personal, retaliatory action against an individual, institution, or group for some alleged or perceived harm or injustice.
        Synonyms: payback, wreak; see also Thesaurus:revenge
        Indifference is the sweetest revenge.
        When I left my wife, she tried to set fire to the house in revenge.
      2. A win by a previous loser.


3–Sonny’s Blues:

How do these four terms play out?

1–Redemption–who is most in charge of Sonny’s redemption?





Homework: Due Monday, Nov 1

1–Read Manfred Steger on Globalization. In your notes, define:

*Disembodied Globalization

*Embodied Globalization

*Object-Extended Globalization

*Organization-Extended Globalization

*17 word definition of Globalization

*6 word definition of Globalization

*What is the connection between an elephant and Globalization

2–Read Ha Jin’s “A Good Fall”

          ***Be prepared to discuss this story in terms of our 4 exchange concepts!

Class information for Monday, Oct 25

Agenda for Monday, Oct 25


1—Freewrite: Plans for Halloween?


2—James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”: Main points, timeline confusions.


There are many subjects and side stories in this story. What are some of the many things that readers learn about life in the story?

For example: why is it difficult to live with someone suffering from addiction?

**what happens at the end of the story?

**Is there a connection? What kind of connection?

**What sort of story would this have been if Sonny was the narrator?


3—Essay: read thesis and method

**Take two minutes to prepare/find your Thesis and method. Hopefully, you have made good use of the thesis blueprint: While X, I think Y. And make sure that you clearly reveal which gothic term(s) or concept(s) you use. Some examples:

**Terror/horror–quote from Lloyd-smith

**CGI–normal or not–quote from handout for definition

**Gothic emotion–quote from handout

**Todorov’s uncanny, fantastic, marvelous–quote from handout

**SOP–make sure to quote from TBC–its Poe’s Narrator’s term


4—Q and A


Homework due Wednesday by 2:30pm: revise and submit your essay via BlackBoard. Email me any questions.

Class Information for Wednesday, Oct 20

***Note: If you have questions on thesis statements and method statements: See our Notepad–there are two examples under today’s agenda. Also, see the student example which is in Readings.

***Note: I have to cancel my office hours for tomorrow because of a schedule conflict. Please email any questions that you have.


Agenda for Wednesday, Oct 20


1–Freewrite–Essay as topic


2–Watch films


3–Discuss “The Veldt”


Homework: Due Monday, Oct 25

1–Read “Sonny’s Blues” and bring one question to class on Monday.

2–Work on first page of your Midterm essay. Bring in your thesis and method and be prepared to read it in class.

Class Information for Monday, Oct 18

Agenda for Monday, October 18


1–Freewrite and checking in


2–Pop Quiz #2–On BlackBoard.

I will post it just before class on Monday. Just like last week, the quiz will be due before 3:00. Turning in the quiz after 3:00 will result in a “late” designation—but I will still accept it.  After you finished, please return to the Zoom…I’ll be here.


3–Go over quiz and discuss Hemingway’s story.


4–Modernism/Modernity: What makes these films modern? Also, what makes Hemingway’s story confusing or frustrating? Are there any gothic elements, or is it fully a modernist story?


5–Midterm Gothic Essay: Thesis and Method help—see handout


Homework for Wednesday, Oct 20:
1–Read “The Veldt” by Bradbury (Readings menu tab). Come to class ready to talk about its experimental nature and use of technology to make a point about society.
2—Write a one page outline (approx. 200 words) for the Midterm Gothic Essay and post it to OpenLab in the category: Midterm Essay (this assignment is worth 10 points). Students can use either bullet-point format or paragraph format.


Let me know via email if you have any questions.


Prof. Scanlan

Class Information for Wednesday, Oct 13

Agenda for Wednesday, October 13


1–Pop Quiz–On BlackBoard (this is due today before 3:00. Turning in the quiz after 3:00 will result in a “late” designation) After you are finished, please return to the Zoom…I’ll be here.


2–Go over quiz and is “The Enormous Radio” Gothic?




4–Midterm Gothic Essay: Thesis and Method help


Homework: Watch the historical 1911 film for a few minutes (it’s only 8 minutes long) and Read Hemingway and Dos Passos; work on your Gothic Essay–try to devote one hour toward this essay. I suggest rereading the stories you’ve selected and taking notes based on the assignment details. NOTE: We will have another brief reading quiz on Monday over Hemingway and Dos Passos. 
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