Author: simmone

Final essay outline

Throughout this semester we have read many different short stories and books and had to see which of the five ethics fit with what character. And today I decided to do that with one of my favorite short stories, The Veldt by  Ray Bradbury. Within my essay, I will be discussing the actions of my chosen character and say what ethics I believe they follow. and with this introductory paragraph, I will give a very short inside to the story and why I chose that story  

In the paragraph, I will state what ethic I believe matches up with that character’s action the first characters I will talk about are the parents, Lydia and George., Lydia stated that she believed something was wrong with the nursery. during the story, you can see that Lydia cares about her kids and wished the best for them, and want to be a part of raising them, but in the house that can cook clean feed and dress, etc she doesn’t have much to do in her day to day life, just as she stated in the story “I don’t know  I don’t know,” she said, blowing her nose, sitting down in a chair that immediately began to rock and comfort her. “Maybe I don’t have enough to do. Maybe I have time to think too much. Why don’t we shut the whole house off for a few days and take a vacation?” after this quote I believed that this action showed Lydia to follow the feminist ethics. The mother wasn’t the only one who cared about the kid. The father George Hadley also cared for the kids. While reading the story George’s actions led me to believe that he followed utilitarian ethics. I say this because when his wife point out that something is wrong with the nursery he made it his job to make sure everything was alright He made sure to call the psychologist. He understood what was happening was not right and tries his best to fix it and although he was going to take away something his kids loves he was thinking about the outcome and how that would benefit them. “it won’t hurt for the children to be locked out of it awhile. Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone. And it was clearly indicated that the children had been spending a little too much time in Africa. That sun.” he thinks about what would be better for them in the future.

In this paragraph, I will talk about the kids. Wendy and peter. As I read more into the story I believe that both wendy and peter are deontological. I believe this to be true because though locking their parents in the nursery which is where the veldt was wrong, the kids didn’t care that it was wrong they forced on the outcome. They believed that this was the cost to having the nursery and the house, they thought that they were doing this for a good reason  with they  and it was not like they needed their parents because  the house provided everything they needed  

The next character I have to analyze is the psychologist David McClean. With this character, I was a bit confused with what etic he followed just because you don’t see much of him. I was able to come up with the fact that he follows the morals of virtue. I say this because Though he only shows up a couple of times he does show loyalty to this family and wisdom trying to help them and telling them what he knows or his opinion on what they should do.

The last character that is left is the house. I considered the house to be a character because the house practically acts as though it is a living person. I believe the house falls under global ethics. The reason I say this is because the house doesn’t really have a mind of its own. but the house has been programmed and created for the  family that  lives their life easier 

extra credit for quiz 1

In all the 5 types of ethics, between deontology, virtue, utilitarianism, feminist, and global the one I belives fits with the main character( Jaswinder aka jazz )actions is deontology. the ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action. in the short story by tony parsons. I say this because the story is about a woman who works at a UK airport as bode parol or an agent witch she takes very seriously and leaves no space for error, she has to follow the rules exat so she doesn’t put her country or the people in her country in Hermes way by not following the rules. For some of us who have traveled, might sometimes be asked what is the purpose of our trip. as jazz did in the story it’s a way to analyze your actions and the way you act to determine whats your actions in the country might be and if u might be a threat to that country or not .in the story we see that jazz follower a clear set of rule to make sure she does her job right.