In the story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” I think the main character Jazz follows the ethics of Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is believing that doing the morally right thing will bring the most good and I think a lot of Jazz’s actions follow that belief. The first thing that I noticed was when Jazz said to Megan, “…. I don’t care if someone lies to themselves… but I don’t like it much when they lie to me.” I think this is an example of Jazz showing her Utilitarian views because she believes that lying is wrong, or morally incorrect. Lying is not morally right so it isn’t good. Another time Jazz’s actions proved to follow utilitarianism ethics is when Jazz is talking to Megan after she’s been in holding. Megan talks to Jazz with an attitude even calling her a “bitch” at one point. But instead of Jazz returning the same disrespect she continues talking to Megan respectfully. Eventually Jazz sends Megan back to the states for her own good. This would be utilitarianism because Jazz didn’t go against her morals to talk disrespectfully to Megan even though Megan did so to her. She did what was morally right and this eventually turned out to do more good then if she hadn’t because when Megan was leaving Jazz asked her what the name of her boyfriend was and Megan said “Prince Harry.” Obviously Megan’s boyfriend is not Prince Harry so If Jazz had let Megan into the states who knows what she would’ve done there. A final example of Jazz expressing utilitarianism is when she sends Donald back to his family. Jazz tells Donald that his family had reported him missing and wanted him back home so they were sending him back. Donald had shown many signs of being ill whether with dementia or alzheimers or something like that he had poor memory and this was shown many times. When he first showed up saying the president put a microchip in his brain and was streaming live images, and when Jazz saw Donald while she was taking the iraqi man from the plane and he looked as though they had never met. Finally when he was told about his family and he looked confused as though he forgot he had one. Jazz could’ve let him through and into the UK as Donald posed no threat but she knew it wasn’t morally right as the man was not well. Even after telling Donald he was going home Donald asked “ But what happened to me? What the hell happened to me?” Instead of telling Donald what actually happened Jazz just gives him a smile and says nothing. Overall Jazz always tried to do more good then bad and she always choose her actions based on her morals and what would bring the most good out of a situation