The Enormous Radio can be considered gothic because instead of listening to normal music from the radio, the Westcotts discover themselves listening  to their neighbors’ conversations and arguments. Mrs Westcott can’t seem to enjoy this.. One day, she discovers that a neighbor  is experiencing domestic violence. She asks her husband to go and help her but he believes that they should just stay put and mind their business. Mr Wescott notices his wife gradually becoming interested in the conversations of their neighbors that the radio is playing. He thinks that his wife should stop listening but she continues. Jim addresses Irene about her past sins and also their family’s financial difficulties. Jim, refusing to remain involved in Irene’s delusionary ideas, forces Irene to admit her dishonest attempts to keep up appearances.

The Enormous radio may be considered not gothic because of the setting, time and events taking place. Gothic fiction usually has something to do with horror, terror, suspicions, etc, and the Enormous Radio doesn’t have much of this going on.Nothing tragic happens to any of the main characters Irene and her husband. There are no unusual events that will have the reader in a state of terror or at the edge of their seat.