The Enormous Radio could be considered a gothic story, because the stuff that Jiim and Irene hear through the radio about their neighbors is shocking to them and the reader. Such as the Mr.Osborn abusing his wife and the Hutchinsons can’t pay their medical bills. Also they are invading people’s privacy so often which is abnormal . And at the end of the story Jim reveals that Irene is a thief. And since the radio goes back to normal Irene goes mad trying to find a station where she could hear the neighbors conversations. 

This story doest really fit in with the other gothic story due to the lack of terror and suspense. Also when analyzing the characters they aren’t exactly mysterious people, they are regular people living a normal life, and they just happen to have a radio that allows them to hear things from other apartments. When I think about a gothic story, the first thing that comes to mind is death so while reading the enormous radio, it didn’t seem to me a gothic story.  

-Evelyn Martinez