Reflecton 2

Bleron Suma




In the story Drown by Diaz, he shows a big portion of Yunior’s relationships. He understands his connection and view of them, this view the person he will become later in life. For instance, Yuniors’s relationship with his mother is very different from the one he has with his papa and brother. Yunior and his mother have a close bond with each other.  Yunior’s mother thought the course of the reading try to protect Yunior from his father in aggressive ways, for example in the chapter “Fiesta”, Yunior understands he is not allowed to eat before getting into the car because he gets car sick and throws up, if this happens the father will grab him up and yell at him. The mother will interfere in the fight almost as if it was second nature to try protect Yunior from his father’s aggressiveness and try to take some of the blame. Yunior also tries to be protect his mother from the father, specifically of her feeling sad or discouraged. When Papi takes Yunior and Rafa out to meet  his “Puerto Rican mistress” and later that day when his mom questioned him what’s wrong he does not tell her about the mistress because he doesn’t know how his mom will take the new but more importantly because there is no right way to bring up something like that and not tear apart what’s left of his family as well as his moms happiness. Even though Yunior and his mother are close their mother-son relationship changes depending on the situation or setting.

Yunior relationship of his father and brother is more as a model opposed to a support system like his mom. His Father and brother both express this aggressive role and Yunior values them even though throughout the reading they both don’t treat him ok.  Growing up with Rafa as his “older” male role model, he was always trying to have his brother approval. In “Ysreal”, He tells of wanting to hang with him and his friend and be seen as an equal even Rafa barely speaks to them when they are home. In “Ysreal” Rafa treats Yunior polite and lets him hang around him more even telling him story. Yunior hangs on to every word of Rafa’s story even though he does not totally understand what Rafa is telling him as if the story as some secret life lesson in it that Yunior will need to know for later on in life. Yuniors father was absent for a big part of his early childhood as well as very aggressive with Yunior even so Yunior care about what his father thinks about him and does not want to disappoint him. His Father and brother constantly thought the book pick on Yunior. To Yunior these were his examples of how a male should act or showcase to the world. And later on, as the book goes on you can see that Yunior begins to showcase more of his father and brother’s aggressive behavior then of his mom soft and loving behavior.



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