Nutrition Today 

Nutrition is the process of taking in food and using it for growth , metabolism,and repair.  The stages  include;ingestion,digestion,absorption,transport,assimilation,excretion.Nutrition is also known as a nourishing substance. Examples of this  meaning of nutrition are Iv or GI tube solutions for patients in hospital.The definition for Heart is a health-conductive to a healthy heart  and circulatory system. Nutrition is often synonymous with the recommended food pyramid.

fit-heartAlthough much is said about the negative outlooks that Americans have towards their diet and meeting their nutritional needs there is research that positively prove otherwise.

Nutrition and Heart Health is a common concern for people in the United States. An increase was calculated  for consumers’ opinions about the health benefits of food from 87% to 90 %  in the US according to . This indicates that people are becoming more subconscious  of the benefits of nutrition. This is obvious in the advertisement of diet food and drinks. In a statistical report named,”Us consumer’s effort to be on a balance diet”, consumers considered what they drink important. This study calculated that, 76% of the consumers said to be cutting calories by drinking water and 52% have implemented this healthy habit for more than a year. This is indicates that  people are sticking to healthier choices when purchase drinks. In addition there  increase of market sales on digital wellness products projected for the future.This is presented in a study named, “Market sales of selected connected wellness products in U.S.from 2013 to2018” Here it was observed that for the year 2013 a total of 2.7 mill., weight scales were sold  as compared to the future estimated  9.2 mill.,  that will be sold for the upcoming year 2018. Although this is just an estimate and is subject to change, this data estimates that people are expected to continue their healthy habits to manage their weight thus keeping heart healthy.. This is related to the outlook American’s have on nutrition because it indicates people are watching their weight. American Laws are also other entities trying to make changes  for American’s health and nutrition.

There were laws put in to place to address Nutrition and Heart Health. Among these laws are: Smart Snacks in School 2014-2015,l_20120917-my-plate-logo-600

FRAC and Bloomberg Portion Cap Rule of 2012. These laws were put into place with the expectation to improve nutrition, thus affecting heart health.

There are many modern methods that are used to aid in nutrition and heart health. These include; Phone APPS such as “Fooducate”, this is a weight loss coach. It provides calorie count of food and helps analyze the quality of the food. It also helps track meals and assists with motivation. Another example are newer food regimens like food pulses, plant base, gut boosters,  and   gluten free foods.

These are  some updated evidence of the positive outlooks that Americans are now practicing towards healthy nutrition and heart health .

Resources Images:

Healthy Heart , 2015 , Healthy Heart Archives-Nutrition Potli,

US Department of Agriculture, Plate. 2012.Healthier School Lunch have Students seeing  Green, Jersey Bites


“Fooducate Weight loss Coach Android APPS on Google Play.” Google, 2014

London Jaclyn .”10 Healthy  Eating Trends You Should Know.” Good Housekeeping, 20 Dec .2015  

“Market sales selected connected wellness products in the U.S. from 2013 to2018.” Statista, 2016                                                 https://www.statista-com

“Over the Past year ,which of the following , if any ,have you made an effort to do?” Statista, 2015

“School snacks before 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act by calories.” Statista, 2010 https://