Bryce’s Graphic Design portfolio
For Graphic design work only
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ENG 1121 Rafael Frontany Fall Semester 2024
The work I’ve completed in this class throughout the semester.
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The digital portfolio of Alexander Brown
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Welcome to my portfolio.
This portfolio contains most of my projects from my design classes.
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cool portfolio for mtec
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My name is Tais, Welcome to my ePortfolio! here, you’ll find all my work throughout the semester as well as knowing a little bit about myself
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My culmination project
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An academic portfolio that shows the progress of my learning.
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I’m Milan and my major is Graphic design. My cousin recommended this major to me since he knows that i like to draw. Even though i haven’t drawn as much as I used too, getting back in the habit by taking these […]
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(COMD1110) Anthony’s e-portfolio
Portfolio for COMD
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