Portfolios on the OpenLab

85 to 96 (of 8,372)
Tarique Boatswain e-Portfolio

Tarique Boatswain e-Portfolio

This portfolio contains my internship blog posts.

ENG 1121 ePortfolio Joshua Aguila

Her you will find my work completed in ENG 1121

Shubham Mahawar E-Portfolio

Hello! My name is Shubham Mahawar, and I am currently majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion. My journey in the fashion industry is driven by a deep passion for designing clothes and a keen interest in […]

ManJie Wu’s ePortfolio

Digital Media Foundactions portfolio

Pablo Cordova Portfolio

These are projects that I worked on for my COMD classes throughout the semesters.

Orlando Melendez Ramos’s ePortfolio

Orlando Melendez Ramos’s ePortfolio

This is Orlando’s Portfolio.

Brenda’s art designs

Brenda’s art designs

Portfolio of all my designs and artwork

Kenneth Li’s ePortfolio


Tehila Kahen’s ePortfolio


Course ENG 1121 portfolio

A required portfolio for the course ENG 1121

Shabaj Hussain

Welcome to my portfolio. Take a look around

Lyonel Pierce

Lyonel Pierce

Full Stack Web Developer