Portfolios on the OpenLab

8,017 to 8,028 (of 8,315)

Anna Faraone’s ePortfolio

Hus 1207

cherlin montauban’s ePortfolio

I created this page to show my works.

Elisa Estrella’s ePortfolio

My passion has and will always be to help others.

Tatsiana Navitskaya’s ePortfolio

Career ePortfolio

Sabina Cormier’s ePortfolio

Professional Nurse

Azra Maldonado’s ePortfolio

Azra Maldonado’s resume.

hui min chen’s ePortfolio

My name is Hui Min Chen, you can also call me Mike.I Currently lived in Brooklyn NYC. I Graduated from Fort Hamilton High School in June 2012, and attended New York City College of Technology in September 2012 […]

Final project Presentation-Automobile Toddler Alerting System (ATAS)

1. Project description – Concept of the Automobile Toddler Alerting System (ATAS) We have heard on numerous occasions in the news and on television talk shows for many years of how stressed-out parents forget […]

Catherine Garnier’s Classes

Catherine Garnier’s Classes

This Web site is the portal to all the university level course I teach

Michael Singh’s ePortfolio

This is an eportfolio reflecting on the dark matter throughout our universe. I start from early detection to modern clues and theory.

Norma Farrell’s ePortfolio

Career eportfolio

Yintee Cheung’s ePortfolio
