Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone! I decided to attend to New York City College of Technology for a bachelor in Graphics Arts of Production because this was a field I am currently interested in. Before I came into this college, I was enrolled in John Jay College of Criminal Justice to study Forensic Science. I enjoyed at first but later on I knew this wasn’t a career I was going to succeed. I was originally was going to attend City College of Technology but I wasn’t thinking what major I will enjoy more or what one I will most likely succeed.

Right now, I have taken all general classes that most majors so now I just need to focus on my major classes that will teach me all that I need to know. I have very little experience with computer programs like Photoshop or Indesign but the classes in taking right are helping understand them better. I always had a big imagination and I want to use it so I decided to take this major. I dream is to just create posters, make videos, to make art in any way for the world to see what I can do.