Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,025 to 3,036 (of 8,373)
Rana Almontesar’s ePortfolio

Rana Almontesar’s ePortfolio

This ePortfolio is a reflection of my experiences in the dental hygiene program at NYCCT.

Samantha Meany’s ePortfolio

A Queens-based Illustrator/Animator/Graphic Designer.

Alexander Thompson-Burton’s ePortfolio

Alexander Thompson-Burton’s ePortfolio

This portfolio illustrates the academic work of Alexander Thompson-Burton during her time in the Professional & Technical Writing Major. Class of 2018!!!!!

jose diaz’s ePortfolio

Portfolio for Design Principals class

samuel herscher’s ePortfolio


oreanna Folk’s ePortfolio

For Gra111

Mahalia Augustin’s ePortfolio

Mahalia Augustin’s ePortfolio

Communications Design

Yasemin Arslan’s ePortfolio

Hi everyone, my name is Yasemin. It’s my fourth year in CityTech. I used to be in architecture but I saw that it wouldn’t work for me.The reason that I chose Communication Design / Graphic Design module, is I rea […]

Michael Robinson’s ePortfolio

Animation, Graphic Design, Illustration

kadeem wallace’s ePortfolio

Graphic Design

Jeremy Diaz’s ePortfolio

An art student Loves artwork from Espana.

Josue Cruz’s ePortfolio

Ideas that take flight