Portfolios on the OpenLab

253 to 264 (of 8,351)
Mahir Meah’s ePortfolio

Mahir Meah’s ePortfolio

Greetings! My name is Mahir, I am taking this course as a means to express my creativity through visual media. As a COMD student I can appreciate art in many different forms. Through my college years I hope to […]

ken zhou’s ePortfolio

Ken’s culmination project

Nathan Yampolsky’s ePortfolio

Nathan’s Eportfolio

Suraj’s ePortfolio

A portfolio for all my work.

Ruth Catano’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my ePortfolio! A digital space in which I am sharing my academic journey with you. As you enter this virtual realm, you will find a collection of my accomplishments, reflections, and how I’ve grown […]

Hou Kin Ying’s ePortfolio

HKY’s portfolio

Khephra David’s ePortfolio

I’m a determined learner and i love anything with tech and AI is really cool to me. I’m not a quick learner and I’m really stubborn but when i do pick up information I’m really good at it.

yasira hernandez’s ePortfolio

i am in new york from manhattan and entertainment technology and City, or hang out with friends and i’d like to go to different places in New York that I never been to and I do my research to find a place to see i […]

corey spitzer’s ePortfolio

class Portfolio

Trevor Triumph’s ePortfolio for game design

The work that I do for this class will be uploaded here for convinence sake.

Jordan Bowen’s ePortfolio

First post for my MTEC 1001M/W class.

Lauren Mahon’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my portfolio!