
Week 6 – March 6

Cover Letter
Business Card

Digital copies: sent via email because of remote class

Continue on building your portfolio
– Organize projects
– Write project descriptions

  • client
  • your role (graphic designer, photographer, etc.)
  • project type (brand identity, web design, campaign,
  • challenge / brief
  • concept & solution


Week 5 – February 28

Finalize resume and cover letter
– Make final edits in InDesign
– Export PDFs and email to Professors before Friday 03/06 next class

Finalize personal identity
– Finish business cards
– Finish letterhead
– Export PDFs and email to Professors before Friday 03/06 next class

– Organize projects
– Write project descriptions

  • client
  • your role (graphic designer, photographer, etc.)
  • project type (brand identity, web design, campaign,
  • challenge / brief
  • concept & solution

Week 4 – February 21

Refine resume and cover letter
– Make edits in InDesign

Refine personal identity
– Finalize logo
– Develop color palette, select typography sets, and any graphics or photography
– Start designing your business cards, letterhead

Gather all portfolio materials
– Choose your favourite projects you want to refine and include in your portfolio
– Print out your work to bring to class next week
– We will review and begin working on a PDF / website layout in the next class

Week 3 – February 14

Refine resume, draft a cover letter and continue to develop a personal identity.
– Make edits in InDesign
– Translate sketch on paper to Illustrator a logo for your own personal brand
– Draft a cover letter to an agency or studio of your choice

Week 2 – February 7

Begin to write resume and develop a personal identity.
– Prepare your resume in InDesign
– Sketch on paper or in Illustrator a logo for your own personal brand

Week 1 – January 31

Write a brief statement as to:

  1. your chosen areas of studies and interests
  2. the type of organization you hope to affiliate with immediately
  3. your career objectives.