Fall 2016 - Professor Kate Poirier

Author: Luis lora

The Ripple Effect , Luis

Maple allows you to plug in your function at certain intervals  whether they are large numbers or small and calculates the integrals with ease. It also provides you with the tools needed to  create a 3-D model of the work in various forms using different methods. Maple lets you quickly design your model using commands and also contains apps in order to check the work.  The tool allows students to make connections with the relationship of a geometric form to arbitrary functions. Not only does it do this but, it provides students with further knowledge on the topic by expressing characteristics of the models such as partitions  and provides information about the model a student may not have realized. The audience for the worksheet are students in college and high school students taking either calculus or physics. The students should know both the shell and disk method of finding volumes of revolution as well as taking integrals, The content is delivered as a worksheet to be done in classroom. Maple is  appropriate for this deliverance of content because it can be used to express geometric shapes and compare them with others.  Not only this but, it may help students create steps for solving problems.

( I used word for my worksheet so it will not be posted here).

Age of technology: Will Teachers be reduced to Facilitators . Luis

While the article is merely a prediction it is still a scary situation to ponder. What’s more intriguing is that more articles similar to the one read are appearing. This information tells me a few things such as educators all over the states are either already teaching using technology and agreeing or disagreeing with it as a tool. I can only perceive the future as an educator to be a nightmare similar to George Orwell’s 1984 if technology extinguishes teachers as dictators. If we are limited to an orthodox way the whole role as an educator becomes nothing more than an interpreter a google translator.  Technology has existed for quite some time so why hasn’t the revolution begun already ? The author comments that “all computing devices—from laptops to tablets to smartphones—are dismantling knowledge silos and are therefore transforming the role of a teacher into something that is more of a facilitator and coach.   I believe technology regardless how sophisticated can not replicate a teachers ability to make meaningful connections, pedagogy, answer questions about experiences, emotional support, deliver an activity with motivation the list can be continued.  Technology will never replace a teacher , but it can certainly reduce the profession.

As a science specialist my job is to plan activities for students in elementary schools. My first day I was given resources such as DVDs, booklets and the state manufactured curriculum including planning, exploring , summarize, of topics the whole works. My duties became facile using their format. I used one text for fifth graders and felt like it was not my class anymore so i scrapped it. What’s interesting is that the teachers in the school use the same thing no one really plans a lesson anymore. They use smart boards to play videos and games to teach students about trees and etc. Technology has already changed the field the only question is whether you’re in the boat as education sails towards a new horizon.

The best possible way for me to be prepared for the many directions education may go is to educate myself. I will never be able to have as much knowledge as the inter web ,but i can manipulate classroom instruction and teach my students the best way i see fit for which ever era presents itself.

Students have always taken charge of their own learning in the video Sugata Mitra places a computer in a remote destination and finds that children will at great lengths push themselves to learn ,but they need encourage. Students with encouragement can take charge of their own education i believe. In the video students are giving a presentation on molecular biology and the first thought was it is far easy to recite words than to express them with your own. No evidence suggests they were or weren’t the students own interpretation , but we have all done this copy and paste scenario. Are students really learning or are they memorizing.

The Medial Triangle

Aim: To prove that the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the original triangle ABC are the same as the altitudes of the medial triangle DEF.

A perpendicular bisector of a line segment is a line segment perpendicular to and passing through the midpoint of (left figure). The perpendicular bisector of a line segment can be constructed using a compass by drawing circles centered at and with radius and connecting their two intersections.


An altitude of a triangle is a line segment through a vertex and perpendicular to (i.e. forming a right angle with) a line containing the base (the opposite side of the triangle). This line containing the opposite side is called the extended base of the altitude.

Sorry for the late post fellow classmates my internet went down.

Hw#7: Study: Emerging Technology has Positive Impact in Classrooms

The article Study: Emerging Technology has Positive Impact in Classrooms by Ryan Lytle from the U.S news discusses the many pros  and repercussions of technology in a classroom. In the article Lytle interviews teachers and asks them why do they need technology in order to teach? One teacher replied it was an effective tool to help students do there their classwork at home and come in with questions about the work in the day. She mentions the fact that technology should be used in a way as not for experimentation but, for those who desperately needed it. Lytle points out the fact that many schools are given the budget for technology such as mac computers, tablets and do not use them to there full ability. In the article teachers share strategies for use of technology ranging from delivering lectures online to developing information systems which, would allow students access to a library wherever they go around the campus. Lytle raises an important question when he asks about the expenses towards lower income schools? Generally schools with staggeringly low income areas hardly receive the help needed and adding technology will only lower the budget for other things such as textbooks, school materials. He also raises the question using an example such as if a school district has 500,000 students  in 64 schools and obtains only 100,00 computers who than gets them? The repercussions are great when experimenting with a method not knowing if the results are good or bad. Lytle also mentions that while having technology can be both good and bad in some cases no one stops and asks the teachers about their opinion. One teacher says that instead of using large amounts of money on a approach that may not work to use it to better train teachers which are the source of learning.

My ideals about technology are similar to those of this article. In a way i say if you are effective with the technological object then yes you deserve it but, to give schools all these different techs and expect great results is just obscene . I have worked in classrooms using cubes, shapes, compasses and have received knowledgeable results on my part.  The controversy stems from  many sides with beliefs that students are growing up with more gadgets than the generation before so we should teach them with new “mac computers”.  Yes many fields require computer programs so give those schools the necessary means. I am not imposing on the basis of not having technology though it may seem like it. I agree with giving schools resources because i would want it in my classroom as well.  I think smart boards , projectors are useful tools in a teachers belt. I am considering providing lectures online for my students and doing the homework in class as a experiment. For that i need all my students to obtain access to the social web.

Introducing Luis Lora

Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is Luis. Born on the planet Earth on an island they call North America. A specific place you might ask? That information need not be spoken just think of it as the imaginary number I. It exists in certain cases but, not really. I recently came back from a trip from the south that has rendered me still in vacation mode. The trip has opened my perspective of the land I live on. New York City seems to crowded. I speak fluently two languages but, have taken French and sign language and mathematics.  I became interested in mathematics when I found out how much of our world can be expressed using mathematics. My other passion is physics which, I would really like to obtain a degree in. I haven’t chosen a specific subject yet though. I don’t necessarily have a favorite topic or subject in mathematics but, one of the most enjoyable classes have been trigonometry and calculus two because of its level of difficulty and generally good time solving problems. I haven’t used many electronic devices or applications for math haha  just kidding I almost started collecting calculators as a hobby. No I don’t know how to use them all to their 100% ability. I have used this other application for calculus lab here at city tech called Maple. The program was a tad bothersome some times because of all the commands I needed to input and sometimes I would get lost and couldn’t really fix it myself. I am interested in learning about all the technologies available for teachers in order to be considered technologically savvy in mathematics. After graduating City Tech, I hope to further my studies in mathematics and education and teach middle school. One day I’d like to work in the field of physics and maybe work on some of the worlds unexplained phenomena.