Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

Category: Introduce yourself (Page 2 of 6)

Introducing Mathew Huiracocha

Helloooo!! My name is Mathew Huiracocha. I’m a senior currently majoring in Computer Engineering Technology, and I’m going for my bachelor’s in hopes of one day working for big companies such as Google or Microsoft. An interesting fact about me is that I love to listen to music as well as play games such as League of Legends and Call of Duty. I also have a 15-year-old grumpy dog that I care about so much. I hope by the end of this semester I will have learned and completed MAT 1575 with ease.

Me with my dawg (Nick)

Introducing Jonathan Pavel

I’m Jonathan Pavel (he/him). I live here in Brooklyn, and have for most of my life. This is my 3rd semester here at City tech after I transferred in from Kingsborough. My major is Mechanical Engineering Technology. I like the idea of building things and seeing how things work, and I like aeronautics and all things mechanical. I plan on going for a Master’s degree in a specific course of Mechanical Engineering once I get my Bachelor’s. My other interests are history, science, and geography. For my degree I will have to take MAT 2680 (Differential Equations) sometime after this class.

As for my pandemic experiences, well, I started college in Spring 2020, exactly when covid hit, so I can say that in general I believe that online classes SUCK! I much prefer in-person and more hands-on learning, especially in my major (MECH classes).

As for pets, I don’t have one, but I really want a cat or a dog.

I hope you’ve enjoyed/tolerated reading my scintillating introduction here!

“Introducing Rafael Rivas”

Hello my name is Rafael Rivas , I am hispanic and my pronouns are he/him/his. My major is Applied Chemistry BS, the reason I am interested in this major is because City Tech doesn’t have a biology major so I choice the other science one left. In my spare time, I enjoy to play baseball whenever I get the chance too. I believe this is the last math class I need to take in the time I have left in college. I am a full-time student who has a part time job at Delta, and have been able to balance school and work.

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