Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

Category: Introduce yourself (Page 1 of 6)

Introducing Travis Harris

My name is Travis Harris (he/him) my major is Construction Engineering Technology and right now I am hoping to pass this class. My hobbies include playing games and just joking around, (I love to laugh) My favorite book would have to be Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief, although it is a children’s book this book had a huge impact on who I am today. A little more insight into the impact this book had on my life, the entire series fueled not only my love of Greek mythology but my love of reading in writing, the book forced me to question all that we believe is true and helped me to push the boundaries of my imagination. Although the book is fiction it made me want to creator/ designer and although I may not be a writer designing helps me to fulfill my dream. When I tell people this last thing about me, they are normally surprised, but I don’t like animals. I have just never been an animal person, but I do see why people like them. Thats me in a nutshell, plain old funny, game playing, non-animal lover Travis.

Introducing Russell S.

Hello all. My name is Russell and this is my late introduction. I created my cuny email and registered for the class on OpenLab today, but I’ve been here since Day 2. This and MAT 2580 are my first math classes at City Tech.

Some interesting things about me: I like to play tennis and watch movies. My favorite movie is The Dark Knight, but I would consider 12 Angry Men the ‘best’ movie I’ve ever watched, as in best written, directed, and acted. I also like to read books; my favorite is The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, but again, not the best. That would be The Hobbit or more recently Educated by Tara Westover. Unfortunately I am not as creatively inclined as the authors I’m interested in. After graduating with degrees in Math and CS I plan to work in finance as a quantitative researcher.

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