Until college I never thought I was bad at math, and till this day I don’t think I am bad at math. I am bad at theoretical math; I won’t say how “we will never use this in life” because quite frankly that’s the basis on designing the buildings we live in and the bridges we use. As this is my major and what I myself have chosen to study I can only blame myself, but I do wish that with the advancement of technology we would advance ourselves and make the solving of these questions a bit easier. Math is not for the weak and although I don’t consider myself weak, I am tired. One thing I do to make math easier for myself is to just throw myself into the deep end, knowing myself I can’t solve a problem by just learning the theory behind it, I have to solve it. From observation I can see that a lot of people learn this way and the best thing I can say is to always ask questions cause each question no matter how small helps you to understand more.
Category: Bad at math
Comment due on the OpenLab Monday, September 19
“I’m bad at math.”
Everyone on earth, probably
“I’m bad at math.” This is something I’ve heard from a handful of students (in different classes) over the last few weeks. It’s devastating to me to hear anyone say this about themselves…let alone my own students.
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