Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

Author: Shadman (Page 2 of 3)

Group 3 Test #1 Solutions:

Test 1 Solutions: U-Substitution –Bryan

Test 1 Solutions: Improper Integrals –Shemika

Future Tips: 1) Make a really really good cheat sheet 2) Now as much of the fundamental blocks of Calc II. 2), is a lot harder then it sounds, so practically it would look like just getting in practice over and over again. Also, focus would be on points rather than topics, AFTER the first round of attempts on the questions.

Test 1 Solutions: U-Substituion — Shadman

Just like to preface that, it was one of the two lowest points I got and & I forgot to check if one of my peers did U-Sub before I did it.

Honestly, it is a really easy question. The only two reason why I got 3 points was because A) Pacing B) I forgot (u-1) was possible. Thats where I got stumbled.

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