Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

Author: Jonathan Pavel (Page 4 of 4)

Introducing Jonathan Pavel

I’m Jonathan Pavel (he/him). I live here in Brooklyn, and have for most of my life. This is my 3rd semester here at City tech after I transferred in from Kingsborough. My major is Mechanical Engineering Technology. I like the idea of building things and seeing how things work, and I like aeronautics and all things mechanical. I plan on going for a Master’s degree in a specific course of Mechanical Engineering once I get my Bachelor’s. My other interests are history, science, and geography. For my degree I will have to take MAT 2680 (Differential Equations) sometime after this class.

As for my pandemic experiences, well, I started college in Spring 2020, exactly when covid hit, so I can say that in general I believe that online classes SUCK! I much prefer in-person and more hands-on learning, especially in my major (MECH classes).

As for pets, I don’t have one, but I really want a cat or a dog.

I hope you’ve enjoyed/tolerated reading my scintillating introduction here!

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