The person I chose to write about today us Jaime Escalante a Bolivian/American high school calculus teacher for Garfield Highschool. The reason why I chose him was due to the fact that he had a movie based off of him in 1988 called Stand and Deliver. In his home country Escalante taught mathematics and physics for 12 years before deciding to move to the US, after gaining his degree and teaching here and there for a few years he ended up in Garfield High a school on the verge of losing its accreditation. It was here that he taught AP Calculus and he was ridiculed for his harsh methods. For years administrators and parents frowned upon his methods, but Escalante kept teaching under the threat of being fired. In 1982 it was recorded that in Escalante’s class he had 18 students’ who passed the AP Calculus Exam, and this gave him the national spotlight. The reason why I chose Escalante was not only because I saw the movie but because the story shows his impact on an underperforming school and how important teachers are in our lives.