Mat 1575 – Week 1 – Group 6 – Community Agreement

Members Present: Christian, Ken, Matt, Marcelle


  • Marcelle: inviting, community, exciting
  • Ken: Confident, useful, teamwork
  • Matthew: Community, encouraging, motivation
  • Christian: Community, encouraging, unexpected

We feel as a group that community is the most important, if we don’t work together in this class then we will fail together. Which makes community important. We also decided that persistence would be a great word/sentence to add. Calculus 2 may be a hard subject but with persistence we can make it through

Group 6 Community Agreement:

  • Do your homework
  • Do your secretary work
  • Message group if you miss, we will compensate and help each other.
  • Help each other
  • Be respectful, like Billy butcher said from the show “The boys” “don’t be a twat”
  • Secretary decided via rock paper scissors.

Extra report: Members introduced themselves and decided upon a community agreement where each member will do their homework, this includes community agreement secretary work, and each secretary will be decided via rock paper scissors. Christian has lost the match of rock paper scissors and will be next weeks secretary along with this week. He finds it annoying and wrote this in the third person

P.S : I’ve discovered after working with this for a while, that wordpress is garbage and a simple “smiley face” corrupts the file and wordpress will compensate by clipping the rest of your docx file and then uploading it without telling you. To reiterate, wordpress is trash.