Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

Introducing Daniel Abramshe

Hi, my name is Daniel, I’m 21, and my pronouns are he/him/his. I’m a mechanical engineering student, and I enjoy baking, camping, hiking, and listening to music in my free time. I also work part-time as a ranger at a local scout camp. My favorite animals are crows, because of their intelligence. I have a cat, Tux (photos attached), and an aquarium stocked solely with plants. After 1575, I’ll be taking differential equations.


  1. Erick Hidalgo

    Whats up Daniel, you have a lot of hobbies which is great, I wish had that much hobbies instead of just a handful lol. I like your introduction post and also you have a nice cat, cats are so cool and smart, hopefully one day I get to own one. Nice meeting you.

  2. Sheely Menendez

    Hi Daniel, those are really great hobbies, and also cute cats I really like cats!

  3. Nayya Santana

    Your cat is adorable. My friend has one that looks just like him. Her meow sounds more like a croak so they named her Ginny Slims. (google if you don’t get it)

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