Tuesday, August 30 to Monday, September 5


Recommended HOT Topic Thursday, September 1

  • Standard 1: Evaluate definite and indefinite integrals by substitution
    • Note that the recommended standard for Week 2 is also Standard 1

WeBWork Due Monday, September 5 11:59pm

  • Integration – Definite Integrals
  • Integration – Fundamental Theorem constant bounds
  • Integration – Fundamental Theorem variable bounds
  • Integration – Substitution

The following WebWorK sets have been reopened:

  • Review-PowerRule
  • Review-ProductRule
  • Review-QuotientRule
  • Review-ChainRule
  • Integration – Antiderivatives

OpenLab/Group/Other assignments: Due Monday, September 5 11:59pm

  • Week 1 group assignment: two community agreements (instructions here)
  • Week 1 individual assignment: syllabus questions (instructions here)


  • HOT Topic practice (details here)
  • Office hours have been changed to Tuesday/Thursday 3:00 to 4:00pm (or by appointment)