Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

OpenLab assignment: syllabus questions

OpenLab comment due Monday, September 5 11:59pm

Watch the video above. As Snoop Dogg says, ya gotta read the syllabus! We went over everything on our course website during our first class on Thursday but you probably still have questions. It’s a lot of information! Most of it is linked under the “About this course” tab above.

For this OpenLab assignment, first read the syllabus (and linked information), then submit a comment on this post asking whatever questions you have about how this course will run: grades, schedules, your responsibilities…whatever!

If you know the answer to someone else’s question, reply to their comment with the answer.

You will earn participation credit for completing this assignment.


  1. benyusufov

    I’ve read the syllabus

  2. Rafael Rivas

    I have read the syllabus and all of my questions were answered in today’s class.

  3. Jonathan Pavel

    I’ve read the syllabus, and understand most of how everything works through yesterday’s class.

  4. Ken Mei

    I’ve read the syllabus and I have questions about the Hot Topics.
    For the Hot topics are they open notes?
    Is there a reference sheet with formulas that we can use when doing the Hot topics?

    • Kate Poirier

      Hi Ken, I think you asked this question before last week’s practice HOT topic session, so maybe that already answered it. For HOT topics you won’t be given a formula sheet but you can make your own (one piece of paper). You’ll hand that in along with your question sheet and blue HOT topic notebook.

  5. Erick Hidalgo

    I have read the syllabus and have no questions so far.

  6. Nickolai Williamson

    Hello, I’ve read the syllabus and I have no questions at this time?

  7. Kevin Rodriguez

    I have read and understood the Syllabus and have no current questions.

  8. Daniel Abramshe

    I’ve read the syllabus and do not have any questions.

  9. Shemika Semple

    I don’t have any questions but I do have concerns about the HOT topics. I am sure I will figure it out the more I practice.

    • Kate Poirier

      Definitely, practice makes perfect! But let me know if you come up with any specific questions or concerns you’d like to talk about (here or in person).

  10. Vincent Banek

    No questions so far, but withdraw date should change from May 17th to Dec 14th.

    • Kate Poirier

      Good catch! Thanks Vincent!

  11. raneem moussa

    I don’t have questions and I have read the syllabus.

  12. Nayya Santana

    I have read the syllabus and do not have any questions

  13. Brian Yi

    I read the syllabus but my question about WeBWork,what if the “Ask For Help” doesn’t really help us at all? What if we put in the correct answer in the box but WeBWork could say “incorrect” even though we double check the answer?

    • Kate Poirier

      The “Ask for Help” button takes you to a discussion forum about that exact WeBWorK question. If WeBWorK isn’t accepting your answer, there’s probably a little something wrong with it. You can use the forum to explain what you did to find your answer and then somebody (maybe me but maybe somebody else) can try to help you see what’s wrong. I’ll get an email notification if you ask your question on the forum; let me know if I’ve missed one.

  14. omar Jaber

    I’ve read the syllabus

  15. Russell

    I read the syllabus and found answers to all my questions.

  16. TravisHarris1

    I have read the syllabus

  17. Manuel Esteban

    I’ve read the syllabus and found answers to all my questions.

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