The Stanely Parable Experiment

In my playthrough for about 5 mins, I did not know the game actually started. I was loaded into the game, but all I saw the game title on a washed out white board, and I thought for 5 mins the game was still just loading. That was pretty interesting for me, and as I continued to play, I was going through a basic set up of a company space, or at least that’s how it all looked to me. Very weird and intriquing the game is. Through my playthrough, I noticed mugs of coffee all over the floor and all over several desks implying something chaotic took place recently. I saw more signs of chaos through the area: papers tossed all over, chairs thrown around, and just the general feeling of chaos.

I did not play for long due the fact I had other homework to finish today, but I will definitely continue to play this game at a later date.