Staceyann and Lisha

The one pome that has some meaning for me is “Love” on pages 19 – 21. When Chin tried to express the feeling of tired of searching for Ms. Right because she set the bar too high so that no one can reach it. I felt the same way. It’s not because I set my limit too high, it’s the dating shows on the television made me feel that way. The girls and boys often require the second half must have some characteristics, like a Ph.D. and salary. What usually happens is the comers being refused by everyone on the stage. I’m not trying to say the horned guests must have taken every comer, what I’m trying to say is the perfect second half that met their expectations only exist in their dreams. No one is perfect in the world. Even if they do, they don’t need to come to the dating show to find a mate. There is nothing wrong about hanging hopes, and I just want to say maybe Ms. Right will show up if they just lower their requirements a little bit.