Journal Assignment 1

Throughout my whole life, I’ve had a fair share of friendships. Some of which have wandered off mysteriously, some have distanced theirselves but the love remains and others that have caused me hell. Despite all the failed friendships I’ve experienced and the drama I dealt with, one relationship has remained solid for 9 years and counting. I will forever be grateful for this friend I have and I wouldn’t trade this for anything else. We practically grew up together since we went to the same elementary school and had been in the same classes. However, we were never that close. In fact, we did not like each other at all. Who would’ve thought two 4th/5th graders would have such a strong dislike for a person? Following 5th grade, coincidentally we ended up in the same middle school and the same class. After our first day of 6th grade, something great blossomed from that moment and I haven’t looked back since. I gained a sister, a life long friend, a confidant, a soulmate. This friendship is significant to me not because of how long we’ve known each other but for the way she values me, supports me and remained loyal to me no matter what we’ve been through. She is my person and no one will ever take that away from me.