Journal Assignment 4.

Journal Assignment 4 by Kwasi Cooper.


  1. Ping pong went that annoying seat belt warning. I can’t wait to get off this plane. I hate flying and this pilot seems to go through every area that have turbulence. The lady across the aisle looked extremely scared as she clench onto the seat in front of her. Looking at her didn’t help me feel any better. Minutes after we were descending at an unusually fast pace, then the oxygen mask dropped from the overhead compartments.


  1. I’m not a gambler but I believe in taking at least one chance. Atlantic City isn’t the type of place I would usually visit, but I will do anything just to have a good time with my  two best friends Ernest and Nigel. I never won big money before, but I felt lucky that day. My entire life was about to change for the better or for the worse when I saw that I had the winning ticket for the casino’s daily lottery, with a prize of ten million dollars. 


  1. My brother and I shared a typical big-brother, small-brother relationship. When we were teenagers we always hung out at the back of our home, late at night. One night during our late night hangout we saw a ball of fire dashing through the sky, very close to us and decided to investigate.


  1. It was a very unusual evening. The street stood still, the sky was grey and alI I could hear was the thoughts in my mind. Where is everyone? As I looked up the street beyond the flickering lights I saw some type of creature. It was huge with three heads, 5 legs and a shark like teeth with blood dripping from its mouth. I turned in the other direction and started running.

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