Journal Assignment #5 By Linny Carrillos

The most embarrassing moment of my childhood was when I was 8 years old. On a Sunday morning, my parents go to church and I used stayed with my older sister. I remember as little of my entertainment activity was jump and run all around the house and wait for my sister to run after me. Every morning, before my mother left the house, she used to write down in a piece of paper my Do list. For my older sister, she already knew what to do, such as cleaning and fixing our room. But for me, it was just showering, be ready and eat. That morning my mother came home early from church with two other friends. I always liked y mother’s bathroom I don’t know why. I remember because I knew that nobody but my sister were home, I came out of the bathroom naked that day, I was walking when I heard my mom’s voice saying Linny cover yourself and her friends were laughing. I ran as faster I could to my room crying because they saw me without clothes. That was embarrassed that even now they still talked about that moment.

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