Kaalyah Magloire Journal assignment 5

Does anyone remember that urban legend about Saying Bloody Mary in the mirror in a dark room/bathroom? We all were shit scared to do it like primary school??? (I was). But I did that shit anyway. because I had to prove to my friends I wasn’t sacred 

Well I was going to bed turning the lights out and it just randomly popped into my head. I thought ‘I am grown, it’s finally time to try it by myself. I am fearless.’ Independent woman and I got god by my side 

So I actually did It!! and I shit you not my stupid ass air wick goes off the same time the second I said bloody marry the third time. A red glowing light filled my bathroom and freaked. I started to fight the air and ended up falling in my bathtub and the whole curtain came down on me which freaked me out even more. I destroyed the bathroom pretty much trying to get out. I finally found the lights and ran out the bathroom and my mom burst out in laughter. I kid you not my face turned bright red I don’t know whether to be mad , upset embarrassed I was just out of my mind at the moment 

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