Journal Assignment 5 by Ralph Lauren Ocampo

The most embarrassing memory I could think of is when I mistakenly thought my dog was a bear during my camping trip. I believed I was eight at that time and it was my very first camping trip with my cousins. As you know the eldest cousin likes to play jokes on the youngest which is not cool. I was asked to pick up firewood in the nearby lake. And boy the first thing I thought that I would be able to find the Excalibur on the lake since it was being held by the lady of the lake. But I realized that my quest to find firewoods so that my mum and dad could prepare for us to dinner. Little do I know that my dog Richie which a saint bernard was following me the whole time. When its time for me to pick up my little firewoods I started to hear rustling around my area, as a child that thing was scary as hell since I’m in the middle of the forest, where my oldest cousin has no sense responsibility and left me. And that’s where I started running like a maniac and screaming like a banshee while a giant wolf is about to eat my little body for its dinner. Soon after I reached are campground everyone was laughing at me, since it was all set up by none other my grandpa who happens to own a lake house where we camping at. Which is why I believed that was the most embarrassing moment in my life. Note the next morning I did try to find the Excalibur but with no avail, I found a frog instead that I kept as a temporary pet during camping.

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