Journal Assignment #4—-Nicholas Albanese

Here are 4 short story ideas that I have going forward.

  1. Once upon a time, a young boy kept drawings of his imaginary friends in a small folder. Years after he’s outgrown them, he rediscovers the folder that was stowed away in a desk. He dismisses it until he suddenly starts hearing voices coming from the folder. Is he going crazy or is the folder talking to him?

2) Ginger is a witch with dreams of running her own small cafe one day. The only problem…she’s fresh out of college and has NO MONEY. When she finds her late dad’s magical relics, Ginger comes to a puzzling decision. Will she sell the artifacts and make money to open up her dream business or will she leave them be?

3) A story from the perspective of a wife who comes home to see her husband in bed with another woman.

4) You’re driving home after a late day of work. As you continue driving, your GPS keeps rerouting you not toward your destination but towards something else.

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