ENG1121 Class Session 3/31/20

Hello, dear students!

All I’ll ask you to do is fill out the questionnaire on the following link (this will help you in a future writing assignment): https://forms.gle/vUqpQbtXAY47g21a8 

If you haven’t read my earlier post (which has a lot of important information–and the new deadline for the U2 Writing Assignment) please review it: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/pennereng1121spring2020d474tuth/2020/03/28/eng1121-schedule-change-please-read-carefully/

That’s all! Be safe & well!

ENG1121 Schedule Change! Please read carefully!

Hello, dear students!

Some (or all) of you may know about the email the chancellor of CUNY sent out late Wednesday afternoon. The email instructed all CUNY schools to have another recess from instruction in order to distribute laptops and other devices to students. (You’ll remember an email I sent about this earlier.) I’m going to honor the chancellor’s announcement with some slight changes for ENG1121 ONLY.


From March 27 to April 1, there are to be NO assignments or exams. This is to give time for those who don’t have computer or internet access to receive the devices or access.

Before the chancellor made this announcement, I had a due date of 11:59 PM on Thursday (3/26) for peer reviews to be completed. Most of you have completed this assignment. If you are one of those students who responded to my earlier email and haven’t been able to complete this task because of a lack of a computer or internet access, please email me.

That also changes a significant due date for your final draft of the Unit 2 Writing Assignment, which was going to be Tuesday, March 31.

The NEW due date for the Unit 2 Writing Assignment will be 11:59 PM (that’s just before midnight) on Thursday, April 2. 

I will be instructing you how to turn in your final draft in a later post! 

The “recalibration” period covers one class next week (Tuesday, March 31), but since the class is going to be about reflection, I feel that we don’t have to “skip” it. I will be posting on Tuesday but you will not asked to do anything to receive participation points!

That said, please review the post, since it will help you with a future assignment.

I will maintain the office hours for this class on Tuesday and Thursday (2:30-4:00 pm). Email me with questions or if you’d like to do a hangout session!

Once again, if you are having issues, reach out to me at my City Tech email or my gmail account for this class: tuesthurseng1121@gmail.com. We’ll work through it.

Be safe and well this weekend!

ENG1121 3/26/20 Class Session

Hello, dear students!

You’ve been working hard, so Thursday’s class is very simple:

Go to OpenLab and download the PowerPoint PDF Titled “ENG1121 3.26.20 Class Session” and study its contents.

Review your U2 Writing Assignment and check for clarity, grammar, and mechanics (issues that I cover in the PowerPoint). If you have a family member who’s a picky reader, ask them to look at it as well!

If you have questions, I’ll be available during our office hours (2:30-4:00 pm on Thursday).

How will you earn participation points?

Email me at tuesthurseng1121@gmail.com one paragraph that you proofread and corrected–both the before and after.


Continue working on Second Draft, which is due on 3/31* (Tuesday).

*This date may change, but continue working towards this deadline!

Be safe and well!

ENG1121 3/24/20 Class Session

Hello, dear students!

We’re on to the next session, and doing well so far! A couple of things to note:

  1. Please carefully read the posts and email messages I write. Many questions will be answered there. If you still have questions after checking your email account (the one that you have linked to CUNYfirst) and this website, feel free to contact me!
  2. Everyone is stressed and inhibited in various ways by this turn of events, so if you’re having personal issues, trouble connecting to the Internet, or other concerns, please let me know. City Tech is working on providing support (both technical and emotional), so don’t be silent! The college and I are both here for you.

On to today’s topic: Peer Reviews.

There is no PowerPoint presentation today. Your participation points depend on what’s listed on this post. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAREFULLY!

I’ve created two documents that are available on OpenLab:

  1. A list of the partners I’ve created for the Peer Review is now on OpenLab. Email your General Analysis & Focused Analysis to me (tuesthurseng1121@gmail.com) and your partner by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, March 24. THIS EMAIL IS WORTH 50 POINTS AND COUNTS AS YOUR PARTICIPATION POINTS FOR MARCH 24!
    • If your partner does not send their U2 Writing Assignment by the deadline, ask a friend or family member to complete the Peer Review Worksheet for you.
  2. A Unit 2 Peer Review Worksheet is also on OpenLab. Download and fill out the entire worksheet for your assigned partner. Email the completed worksheet to me and your partner by 11:59 PM on Thursday, March 26. THIS COUNTS AS YOUR PARTICIPATION POINTS FOR MARCH 26!
    • If your partner didn’t send their U2 Writing Assignment to you, and you had a friend or family member complete it for you, send the completed worksheet to me and let me know what you had to do.

For today’s homework and a peek into what’s next, please refer to the updated schedule, available on OpenLab.

If anyone has questions or wants my feedback on the writing assignment, please email me. We can set up a time either during the class office hours or otherwise to do a Google hangout or phone call.

Be safe and well!



ENG1121 3/19/20 Session

Hello, dear students!

First of all, I hope everyone is taking care of themselves (both physically and emotionally). If you are feeling stressed out by these new challenges, know that you’re not alone–not that this improves the situation in the slightest, but sometimes it’s good to know that many, if not all, of us aren’t in an Instagram kind of mood. To be honest, I huddled in bed waaaay past my alarm this morning. The thought of getting up filled me with dread and a fervent wish for a magic potion to leap forward several months.

Second, since I’ve never taught an online course before, this will be new territory for me, so if you have taken online courses before, be warned that the class will not be as fancy and shiny as your previous online courses.  Also, since not all of us are computer savvy and/or have a computer/tablet/internet/tons of cell data at our disposal, I’m keeping the format as simple as possible.

For an explanation of homework and how the class will be run, keep on reading!

Here are the 3/19/20 Homework Assignments:

  1. If you haven’t already, go to this link (https://forms.gle/8q8n8UFS5yYgzvAB9) and type in your five sources (minimum) within 24 hours after our scheduled class meeting (3/19, Thursday at 2:30 PM). Remember, you don’t have to use the sources you post if something better comes along! This is just to make sure you’re on track.
  2. Continue working on Unit 2 Writing Assignment. The Rough Draft is due on 3/24. I’ll be in touch about how we’ll run the Peer Reviews of the Rough Drafts soon.
  3. On the OpenLab “files” site, I’ve uploaded a version of the PowerPoint presentation (in a pdf file) I would’ve used had we met in person. Please review it and answer the questions on the second slide (titled “Steps 3 & 4: General Analysis & Focused Analysis”) via email. Email the answer to this address: tuesthurseng1121@gmail.com. Be sure to send it within 24 hours after our class meeting (Thursday at 2:30 PM). More on the new email address is below. 
  4. Following the second slide, I’ve listed the most common MLA in-text citation methods and how to format the Works Cited page. Please review these carefully. If you’re still unsure about citations or the Works Cited page after a lot of research, contact me.
  5. Post on this website a paragraph or two of how you are dealing with the current situation. The title is up to you. You can make it private (so just you and I can see it) if you’d like. Answer one (or all) of these questions, and feel free to discuss something beyond these questions:
    1. How are you doing physically/mentally/emotionally?
    2. What is surprising about how you or others are reacting?
    3. What have you had to do because of/in spite of what’s going on?

This doesn’t have a due date. This is a way for you to connect with your peers and me in a personal way. I’m planning on posting something soon.

So, how’s this class going to run? Here’s a few constants on the class format:

  1. A few students have asked if we are going to use Blackboard or Zoom for this class. I’m not planning to use either right now. That may change, but I’ll let you know far in advance via email. Instead, I’ll send you the day’s topic through PowerPoint presentations that I’ll give you a link for and/or questions through this website, which means we won’t “meet” online at a specific time. That said, you can meet with me over Google hangouts or a phone call during office hours or other times (if the office hour doesn’t work for you). Be sure to ask your other professors (if they haven’t contacted you yet) how their classes will be run.
  2. A new syllabus schedule has been posted on the “files” section of the OpenLab profile page. Deadlines have been changed. How I will be awarding some grades have changed and are listed at the end of the new schedule–particularly the “participation” points–so be sure to read the entire document.
  3. You will be responsible for all homework mentioned on the syllabus and on this website. Email questions about either the syllabus or homework, but try to find the answer through research first.
  4. Each “class” will have an online post like this on our usual class days. I plan on posting the message before our scheduled days/time. Make it a habit to check the website by that time on our usual class days.
  5. Each web post will have a discussion question that you will need to respond to within 24 hours after the post order to earn your “participation” points. Sometimes it will be a question that will require an email response, sometimes it’ll be an answer you can simply post as a comment on this website.
  6. I will still be holding “office hours.” My office hours for this class will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:00 PM. I’ll be available during these times via email, Google hangout, or cell phone. If you have questions that can be answered briefly (for example, if a source is acceptable), email me at this address: tuesthurseng1121@gmail.com. I’ll try to answer those within the office hour or very soon after. If you need to talk about something in depth (for example, a further explanation of a topic or a review of a writing assignment), we can do a Google hangout session. If you don’t have access or technology fails us, we can arrange an old-fashioned phone call.
  7. You’ll note that the above email address is different from my City Tech address. This is my way of keeping each of my three City Tech classes separate, since you’ll need to send me various items throughout the semester. I’ll still be checking my City Tech email, of course, but this means I’ll be able to keep everything organized!

This is a lot of information to  digest, which is why I’m posting this early. If you have questions or trouble connecting to any of the content I’ve linked, please comment on this site–others might have the same questions or problems–I’ll respond/correct as soon as possible. (If you comment late at night, know that I probably won’t respond immediately! LOL.)

Be safe and well during this time!