Writing Assignment 3 Process Essay
Marvin Lezama, Mental Health and Culture Coexstitng
ENG1121 English Composition 2, SP2020 TuTh
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
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Our goal is to make the OpenLab accessible for all users.
Both the website and the process essay were nicely done! I liked the simple design you used for the website, and the fact that there was a guide to where I was on the left hand side. The images you chose communicated highlights of what you covered in each section. The essay was nice and simple as well–you provided all the information needed, and was honest, which is always good to see!
The only suggestion I’d give overall is perhaps you should spread the information in the website across more than one slide. Things got a bit text heavy.
Your essay was excellent! No notable changes in my mind for this.
100 points (out of 100)!