Extra Credit

I do not usually give extra credit, but there are two great events coming up at City Tech that go along with what will be doing in the next (and last!) portion of the course– so I am giving you an opportunity to earn extra credit (to supplement your class preparation and participation grade– worth 15% of your total grade).

Extra Credit Assignment

  1. Attend one of the following events.
  2. Check in with Professor Paruolo at the event.
  3. Listen/Take notes at the event.
  4. Write a 250-300 word (~1 page) response paper discussing what you thought of the readings and discussion at the event. Must be typed, double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman, etc.
  5. Submit response paper by Monday 4/29 @ beginning of class.  NO EXCEPTIONS– this is already extra credit.

Event #1: Reading by Willie Perdomo on Thursday, 4/11 @ 1pm in A209

Event #2: Literary Arts Festival, Reading by Jose Olivarez, Thursday 4/18 @ 5:30 in the Theater in the New Academic Building.


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