Hôtel International ** PARIS
Address: 6 Rue Auguste Barbier
Phone: 01 43 57 38 07
Website: http://www.hotel-international-paris.com/
E-mail: resa@hotel-international-paris.com
How to get there
The Hotel International is located in a quiet district just minutes from the heart of Paris.
Metro/underground: Goncourt (line 11) 150 metres�away; R�publique (lines 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11) 800 metres away.
Bus: Fontaine au Roi (line 46); Goncourt (lines 46 and 75), Parmentier (line 96)
RER nearby (suburban metro & train): Gare du Nord (lines B, D and E); Ch�telet (lines A, B and D)
Public car parks: nearby at 83 rue Faubourg du Temple and 46 quai de Jemmapes