Meet Your Classmates

This is a great opportunity to meet your classmates from both day and evening sections. Please introduce yourself and attach a picture of yourself to your post. Respond to a few of your classmates’ posts when they become available. Here is some information you may want to include in your post:

Your name

Section (Day/Evening)

Brief personal and/or professional background about your interests, hobbies, pets, etc.

Your current courses

Future plans

Your picture attachment

177 thoughts on “Meet Your Classmates”

  1. Hello class!
    I will do the first post as an ice-breaker.

    My name is Professor Vyprynyuk. I was born and raised in Ukraine and moved to the United States at the age of 20. I am a proud CityTech alum. I graduated Dental Hygiene program and subsequently obtained my BS degree in Healthcare Services Administration, both from CityTech. I have also graduated from NOVA Southeastern University with an MS degree in Health Science and a concentration in Higher Education.

    Besides working as a dental hygienist in private practice I love to teach clinical aspects of Dental Hygiene and will be seeing you in clinic this semester.

    As for personal facts about myself, I have three beautiful children, a young full of energy black Lab, and a very mischievous cat. We love to go on nature hikes, fishing trips, and family barbecues.

    I am looking forward to a successful and productive Fall 2021 semester.

  2. Hello Everyone,
    My name is Khine Zar Than and I am a day section student. I was born in Myanmar (country that is currently under coup) and moved to the States after high school. I got B.S. Biology from Brooklyn college and so this is going to be my second degree. I have also worked as dental assistant for 3 years. Burmese is my primary language and other languages I speak are English, a little bit of Mandarin and Korean. My hobbies are cooking, baking and taking pictures of food. ^^
    My current courses are DEN 1100 (D013), DEN 1100 (OL10), DEN 1112 and DEN 1114 (OL19).
    Some fun facts – I love boba, Kpop and have a small food Instagram account @kkreatedinthekitchen.
    Nice to see you all here!

    1. Hi Khine!
      It’s so nice to meet you! It’s so impressive to know someone that can speak 4 different languages. And I also think that it’s fantastic that you’re pursuing another degree! I think it’s cool that you like to bake and cook food, because I like to do that too.
      I just noticed that we have the same classes, hopefully we can actually meet each other in person!

    2. Hello Khine,
      I am glad you were able to finally post your comment. Thank you for bringing up the technical issue. I am excited to welcome you to the DH program, as well as the Oral Anatomy course.

    3. Hi Khine!
      I find it so cool that you can speak multiple languages and you like to take pictures of food. I’m also a fanatic when it comes to taking photos. I like to take photos of people, food, and scenery. I see that we also have a few things in common, like loving boba and kpop! Multi-stan here lol ^^

    4. Hello Khine,
      My name is Brian and its amazing that you were able to learn 3 more languages. I had no idea that Burmese was a language. Unlike you the only other language I’ve been exposed to is Spanish but somehow still cannot speak or write proficiently in Spanish.

  3. Hello my name is Jinky Blando.
    – I am a Day Section student. I transferred from Queens College to City Tech during the start of the pandemic. This is going to be my second year at City Tech. Hopefully, I won’t get lost in the building seeing as that it’s been almost 2 years of online learning.
    – I like playing the guitar, singing, drawing, cooking, baking and DIY.
    – My current courses are: DEN 1100 OL10, DEN 1100L D013, DEN 1112 OL14, DEN 1114 OL19
    – My future plan is to get a job.
    I hope to meet you all soon!

    1. Hello Jinky,
      I am sure you will not get lost on campus! How exciting that you have so many interesting hobbies. I hope you will find time to do what you love and combine it with your busy schedule. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

    2. Hi Jinky,
      Good to see you here and hope to see you in person soon too! I am glad that we have same section of classes. And don’t worry, you’re not the only one who is worried about getting lost at school as I’ve actually never been to the school either. 🙂

    3. Hi Jinky!

      No need to worry about getting lost in the building. If I’m not mistaken, most of our classes are held on the 7th floor so it definitely will make it easier to go class to class. That’s super cool that you can play guitar!! I’ve always wanted to learn but my fingers just won’t move the way I want them to on the guitar lol.

    4. Hello Jinky-
      Don’t worry, we will all figure it out! I also have not been to the campus yet.
      Looking forward to meeting you!

    5. Hello Jinky ,
      My name is Brian and just like you it will also be my first year in the building. I tried the guitar a couple of years ago but eventually gave up so I find it amazing that you can play the guitar. I also enjoy drawing but mostly only graphitti on paper.

    6. Hi Jinky! I think we can make a group and we all navigate through the building together and there’ll definitely be at lease one person in our section who is good with direction (not me) haha.

    7. Hi Jinky,
      I’m sure you won’t get lost. That’s what I was very concerned about being that I never had stepped foot on campus before orientation. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to meet you in person soon because I’m in the evening section but nice to meet you here. Your hobbies are very fun and interesting. I like to cook and bake as well.

  4. Hello everyone my name is Hyein (Haine) Jang.

    * I am a Day Section student. I graduated from Citytech in 2016 in Hospitality management so this will be my second degree. I always thought I wanted to be a chef, but I found myself more interested in the medical field. I love cooking/baking, working out, taking pictures, and socialize with my friends.
    * My current courses are DEN 1100 OL10, DEN 1100L D014, DEN 1112 OL14, DEN 1114 OL19.
    * My future plans are to graduate from Dental Hygiene without huge struggles (Let’s study together !! We got this)
    * I’m trying my best to upload my photo but I’m really terrible with technology…. It will take a while for me 🙂
    I can’t wait to see you guys!!!

    1. Hello Hyein,
      This is so awesome to have a CityTech alum in our class! A change of career is never easy, but I am glad you have decided to follow your true calling. I was also not able to upload a picture.
      Welcome to DEN 1112!

    2. Hi Hyein!
      It’s so nice to meet you! I think it’s so cool that you’re pursuing another degree. I hope we can share our love for cooking and baking when we have the time (I’m pretty sure we’re going to be swamped with studying, but it’s going to be worth it!). I look forward to meeting you!

  5. Hi Everyone,
    My name is A Rim, it’s a Korean name so it looks a little.. funny, but I also go by as Kim.
    – I graduated from Hunter College in 2020 with a clinical psychology degree but it was really hard to find a job in that field. And I also realized psychology wasn’t something I wanted to further pursue when I started working as a dental assistant.
    – As for hobbies and interests, I like to take my dog on walks, if I’m feeling crafty I might paint a little, baking and trying new foods.
    – My current courses are DEN 1100-OL10, DEN 1100L-D015, DEN 1112-OL14, and DEN 1114-OL19.
    – My plans for the future is to become a dental hygienist and hopefully to get a good stable job.
    I look forward to meeting you all!!

    1. Hello Kim,
      Wow! It already looks like you guys have a lot in common: previous degrees/careers, dental assisting background, and love for baking/cooking! Maybe, to get a little break from Oral Anatomy we could share some recipes? my daughter loves to bake!
      Welcome to the class!

    2. Hi Kim!
      That’s super-amazing that you have a degree in clinical psychology. Originally, I wanted to major in psychology but as you said based on your experience, it’s hard to find jobs that correlate with a psychology major.

    3. Hi A Rim,

      Nice to meet you! I also did the same and decided to change paths along the way. I’m glad you’re in the program as well as everyone here. Hopeful we will all do well!

    4. Hi Kim!
      It’s so great to meet you! I just wanted to say how great it is to have someone in the class like crafting stuff too! Also, I noticed that we have most classes together. I hope we can get through those classes together. Hope to meet you in person!

    5. Hi Kim,

      I’m also a Dental assistant and I also like to try new foods! What section are you in? Maybe we can hangout and try new places while we study for our classes?

    6. Hey Kim, nice to meet you ! What kind of breed is your dog? I love dogs so much, but mainly big guard dogs like German Shepards, Dobermans, etc.. Also how is dental assistant going for you, i hope to become an assistant while i work towards my dental hygienist degree, here’s to a great semester !

    7. Hi A Rim,

      I’m glad I am not the only one who went the psychology route before realizing dental was what I was better suited for. I also had trouble finding a job in the field of psychology upon graduating since the only careers I could find involved working as an HR representative or working in the school system and I did not wish to do either. I also enjoy painting, which is something I took up during the height of covid. I am not very good but I found it a relaxing way to pass the time. I believe we are in the same clinic session so I will see you soon!


  6. Hello! My name is Ana Mandelbaum.
    I am thrilled to be a part of the dental hygiene day program. I am taking DEN 1100, 1112 and 1114.

    I just finished my 15th year in the Department of Education where I taught for 8 years and was an instructional coach and data specialist for 7.

    My lifelong dream has been to work in the dental field. When I was a child I collected dental toys-Play Dough Dentist, Dentist Barbie, etc. I had a wonderful collection of vintage certificates for brushing and children’s books about going to the dentist. I am beyond excited for the opportunity to make my dream a reality and so I have left my career and am embarking on a new journey. I hope to be a successful dental hygienist when I am finished.

    I live in Brooklyn with my husband and two children, 14 and 9. I have lived in New York for 20 years and come from Kentucky, where my family still lives.

    My hobbies include reading, doing puzzles, and organizing!

    1. Hi Ana!
      It’s so nice to meet you! I just wanted to say how happy I am for you to be pursuing your life-long dream! I hope we can all help each other out with our goals for this program! Hope to meet you soon!

    2. Hello Ana,
      Nice meeting you and knowing your story and your dream . I wish you a very good luck to you and all of us as well.
      Can’t wait to meet you and everyone else .

    3. Hi Ana,

      I am impressed that you were able to make the decision to switch careers to follow your dreams of working in the dental field! Such a change can be intimidating, but its always been instilled in me that it’s better to change your mind after only a few years to something you are truly passionate about since you’ll be doing it until you retire! I also like doing puzzles in my spare time. Hope to see you soon in class!


  7. Hello, everyone!
    It looks like the Oral Anatomy class will be a diverse group from many backgrounds and experiences sharing one common goal: pursuing a degree in dental hygiene.

    My name is Professor Campbell and I will be teaching the evening section of this course. I am a dental hygienist and graduated from The Fones School of Dental Hygiene at the University of Bridgeport. I also completed my bachelor’s degree at that institution. In addition, I completed an M.A. in Health Education from New York University and an M.A. in Computing in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. My entire career has been in dental hygiene, having worked as a clinician, researcher, and educator. It has allowed me a variety of rewarding opportunities which I continue to take advantage of and I welcome you to our profession.

    Your success is my success and I am looking forward to working with you this semester.

  8. Hi! My name is Winnie Yung and I am in the day section. To start off, the courses I am taking this semester are DEN 1100, 1112, and 1114.

    This would be my third year of college at City Tech and Dental Hygiene will be my first degree. As for future plans, I plan to continue my education or getting another degree in a different major. I haven’t fully decided on what I want to do after I get my degree but one thing’s for sure, I’m definitely going to look for a job and get a stable income first.

    Hobbies/Personal Interests:
    – I like to swim
    – I like to dance, draw, and sing when I have the time
    – I like to watch anime, Korean dramas, and Hong Kong dramas.

    Some facts about me:
    – Primarily I speak Cantonese and English, as for other languages I can speak a bit of Italian (during my high school days lol)
    – For two years, I used to be a swim instructor for children and adults.
    – I tutor children over the summer.

    Im looking forward to seeing everyone!!

    1. Hi Winnie,
      It’s incredible that you have plan for future studies. I also watch K dramas. Lol. And multi-stan as well. ^^ Seems like you really have skills in teaching others. Hope to see you soon!

    2. Hello Winnie,
      My name is Brian and I enjoy drawing as well. When I have free time I also watch anime. Unlike you, I don’t know how to swim and should probably learn how. Knowing how to swim can be helpful.

    3. Hi Winnie,

      I am so excited to start this journey with you! Since we had chemistry class with each other, we’ve been helping one another out with this program. Without you, it would have been difficult to cope with stress. Also, I didn’t know you could swim! Time to teach me too :).

    4. Hey Winnie, nice to meet you I love anime and drawing too! I’m more of a casual anime fan though because i’ve only really seen attack on titan, naruto, and My hero academia.. Your future plans for continuous studying is inspiring and also great for you! Here’s to a great semester !

    5. Hi Winnie! Nice to meet you. I love how your ambition and how you already know that you would want to continue your education after after the program.

      I also speak cantonese and like watching kdramas and hkdramas, but hkdramas not so much anymore. It feels like the older hk ones back then are better than the recent ones!

  9. Hi everyone, nice to meet you!

    My name is Jasmin Kim and I am in the day section. I currently work as a manager for a dental clinic in Union Square, which interested me in the dental hygiene field. At the moment I enjoy fostering animals from my local rescue group! Not too sure if my cats love it, but I sure do haha.

    My classes this semester are: DEN1100, DEN1112, DEN1114.

    My future plan is to make the most out of the next years and become a dental hygienist. Can’t wait to meet you all!

    1. Hi Jasmin,
      It’s so awesome that you like fostering animals and I’m pretty sure your cats like it too. Hope to finish this semester well together and can’t wait to meet you soon! ^^

    2. Hey Jasmin , I loved what you do for animals and we all share same goal which is to become Dental Hygienist and can’t wait to meet you and the Prof and the whole class .

    3. Hi Jasmin! that is so awesome! I would love to foster animals, but right now that is not feasible because of work and school. Maybe once I graduate, I will consider it. I’m also in the dental field working at a Dental office as an assistant and I love it. can’t wait to meet you everyone too!

    4. Hey Jasmin, I really appreciate what you do for animals, it’s a great genuine act of kindness, and I hope we can both have a great semester and go on to become Dental Hygienists !

  10. Hey guys, my name is Angela Wilson, I attend the DAY section. I worked very hard in the past two years and I am super excited that I got accepted into the dental hygiene program, I can’t wait to go through this journey! I am a mother of two boys, 14 and 6 years old. I work at a pharmacy, but I used to work as a dental assistant about 4 years ago.While working there, I decided that I really enjoyed it, and started looking into dental hygiene programs. I would love to work at a pediatric dental office after I graduate.I always had a love for teeth ever since I had braces when I was 16. Some of my hobbies are taking my kids to the park, exercising, reading and cooking.
    My current courses are Den 1114-OL19, DEN 1112-OL14,DEN 1100-OL10, and DEN 1100-D012. I am super excited to meet you guys!

  11. Hello, everyone. I hope you’re all having a good night. My name is Lori. I’m in the day section. I’m a transferred student from Hunter College. I’ve always been interested in the medical field. I’m currently working as a dental assistant and I’m fascinated by the detailed procedures done by the dentist. I also will further my education after this program.
    My favorite sport is tennis (always looking for tennis buddy). I’m also planning to have a dog this year and my favorite dog is shiba inu. I look forward to meeting you guys when school starts. This program is hard but we will get through it together!

      1. Hi Alejandra,

        I love Federer too! Also Nadal! I’m going to see US Open next month; feel free to tag along if you’re interested and have free time 😀

    1. Hi Lori!

      I’m also in the day section and I also found interest in dental hygiene while working as a dental assistant. And shibas are so cute and smart, I have a black shih-poo but I also do want a shiba in the future. I wish you the best of luck this semester, can’t wait to meet you soon!

  12. Hello my name is Brian and I am part of the day section class. This semester will be the first time I will go in person to some of my classes unlike my first year at City Tech. I have experience from high school working on basic jet and reciprocating engines, basic electricity, sheet metal, aircraft repairs, inspections, and fire detection systems. I’ve also gathered more experience on electricity from doing construction work with my father which involves outlets, lights, switches, circuit breaker panels, and running wires in households. Hobbies I enjoy are watching and playing soccer, drawing, and when possible helping my father with electricity. Currently I own 8 hamsters and next year I am thinking of getting a dog. The current classes I am taking are DEN 1110, DEN 1112, DEN 1114, PSY 1101, and COM 1330. My future plans involve going to a trade school to become an electrician while also becoming an orthodontist. I look forward to working with all of you.

    1. Hi Brain,

      I’m also planning to have a dog, maybe this year. And I’m very curious if you have your hamsters in the same room as you; because if so I wonder if you get any sleep at night. Haha, I used to have hamster when I was younger and they would make noises throughout the night. Also, it’s so awesome that you have many goals for your future and you’re taking it step by step!

    2. Hi Brian. Nice meeting you. That is nice that you know about electricity and all that stuff! I like orthodontics as well, that is definitely something I am passionate about! looking forward to meet you!

  13. Hi everyone! My name is Corinne and I’m part of the day section class. This upcoming fall will be my first time having classes held on campus unlike last year due to the pandemic. Very excited yet nervous at the same time. About three years ago, I used to work part time as a dental assistant which sparked my interest to become a dental hygiene student at CityTech. Although I find teeth very interesting, many don’t. Also, to further my Chinese language skills, I will taking a course to enhance my social, reading skills in this language. Hopefully, it goes smoothly. Not only do I want to learn Chinese, I want to understand their culture by traveling and eating their delicacies. During my leisure time, I just travel, vlog, and eat. My future plans after graduating from this dental clinic program is to find some time to study abroad in China. That’s all. Can’t wait to meet all of you!

    1. Hi Corinne.

      How are you? I work as a Dental Assistant as well. I am a little bit nervous because I have to work and study at the same time. I have to organize myself very well in order to complete both properly. There is no other choice. I love traveling and getting to know other cultures as well, after I graduate from high school I went to a multicultural program where I learnt everything about Belgium and Europe, it was pretty cool!

  14. Hello everyone,
    I’m Meryam and I’m from Morocco. I’ve been in the States since 2009. I finished my high school here and got my associate degree in science at BMCC . I speak Arabic, French and English . I chose this field because it has high prospects . My goal is to become a successful Hygienist and later become a Dentist .
    I’m on the Day section and My current courses are DEN 1100-D015, DEN 1100-OL10,DEN 1112-OL14, and DEN 1114-OL19.
    Some of my hobbies are reading, cooking and baking , drawing and taking pictures … and also like birds .

      1. Hello Fariza, yes Definitely 🙂
        We will also study together and share knowledge to help each other succeed as well and Can’t wait to meet you and the whole class as well .

  15. Hello everyone,
    My name is Saira Muzahir and I am a day section student. I graduated with my bachelor’s in 2019 in Business Administration, so this will be my second degree. Working in the administration side of healthcare I realized I wanted to do something in the clinical side of healthcare that’s why I decided to pursue a career in Dental Hygiene. My hobbies include shopping, cooking, reading, and enjoy watching movies. My current courses this semester is DEN 1100-DO14, DEN 1100-OL10, DEN 1112-OL14, DEN 1114-OL19. My plan for the future is to become a successful dental hygienist and educate people on the importance of oral health. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

    1. Hi Saira,
      It is good to hear that I am not the only one with a background not dental related. I also have a BA in Business/Finance. I guess it is more than a coincidence that we are paired together in our clinical class. I am looking forward to us working together and ultimately succeeding in the Dental Hygiene program.

  16. Hello everyone,
    My name is Alejandra and I am part of the night section. Im super excited to join the dental program. I have a degree in criminal justice PLEASE don’t even ask me how I went from criminal justice to loving teeth LOL. Currently I work in a pedo office as a dental assistant, I love kids and I love what I do. I believe it is essential that children from an early age understand the importance of oral health care.
    My courses I will be taking this semester are DEN 1100-E023
    DEN 1100-OL20, DEN 1112-OL13, and DEN 1114-OL20
    Can’t wait to meet you guys!!

    1. Hi Alejandra!

      I think its really cool that you have a degree in criminal justice. I also work as a dental assistant and love the dental office environment. And I definitely agree with you on teaching children the importance of oral care. Good luck this semester !!

  17. Hello everyone. My name is Olena an I’m an evening section student. This is my third year in CityTech and I very happy to be admitted to the program. I’m from Ukraine and I have been living in US for 3 years. I moved from Ukraine with my husband and 13 years old son. I used to work as a dental technician for over 20 years in Ukraine and upon moving to US I decided to change my occupation to Dental Hygienist and start to learn new skills. English is not my native language and I started to learn it only 3 years ago, so please excuse me in advance for funny phrasing)) My current job is a dental assistant which I like so much. As for hobby, I don’t have the actual one, I just like to spend my free time with my family watching movies or biking around and discovering new cozy places. Recently our family adopted amazing dog, which became our common love and which enjoys bike riding too. I take this semester the following courses: DEN 1100, 1112, 1114 and can’t wait to meet you in person.

    1. Hello (Привет), Olena, your grammar is very good. I admire your efforts because it’s very hard to learn a new language and you’re in this program which means you are smart and worked very hard. I know because English isn’t my first language either. I always want to learn more languages. I speak a little Ukrainian and Russian (about toddlers level). I’m sure you’ll succeed in this field and hopefully I get some chances to learn more Ukrainian from you.

    2. Hi Olena,

      I think you were in my microbiology class last semester! Also, That is awesome and inspiring to be able to pick up a new language and learn it so quickly. I’ve been trying to learn french forever, not consistently though. I hope to try and learn someday.

      I’m also a Dental Assistant and I like it so much. It is just as rewarding as being a Dentist especially when the patients also see how instrumental you are in their oral care.

      So sweet that you adopted a dog! I also have a doggie. He’s a bit fiesty but, maybe we can set up a doggie playdate whenever we have free time or after we finish our studies, haha!

    3. Hi Olena! Nice to meet you! My grandmother is from Ukraine too, and I love meeting people from this country. I remember you from Microbio class, and I’m happy that you got accepted in the DH program! Good Luck!

    4. HI Olena ! It is nice to meet “Ukrainian neighbors” in this course . I am also from Ukraine and moved to US 16 years ago. Just want to let you know if you would like to make a friend relationship I will be glad to do so !

  18. Hi everyone,
    My name is Kevin and I’m in the evening section. I just graduated this year from Stony Brook with a degree in health science. During my final year in college I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do, but then I came across dental hygiene, and I instantly wanted to pursue it.
    At home I have two dogs (Border Collie and Australian Shepherd) and 16 chickens. I enjoy fishing, investing, cooking, and watching anime.
    The courses I am currently taking are DEN 1100-E023, DEN 1100-OL20, DEN 1112-OL13, DEN 1114-OL20, and COM 1330-OL6.
    Wish everyone the best of luck this semester and see you all in class/online lecture!

    1. Hi Kevin. Looks you have an interesting life. I like fishing too, but unfortunately my husband and son don’t, so I don’t have a fishing for a while))) I think that people who like fishing have a great patience.

  19. Hello my name is Christine, but I usually go by Chrissy. I will be joining the day section including classes DEN 1100, 1112, & 1114. Currently, I work in the oldest running pharmacy in America nestled in the West Village, in their cosmetics department. When not studying, or working, I love being outdoors- from kayaking, the beach, bike riding, to hiking. I also spend a lot of time cooking (making pasta from scratch!) and painting inside my cozy Brooklyn studio with my two cats and boyfriend. My future goals are to find a new career- becoming a dental hygienist, which is inspired through my cousin, who is currently in the field. I am nervous and excited to start this next chapter.

    1. Nice to meet you Christine. When I’m not studying or working, I would go find some outdoor activities to do as well. Just being outdoors is great, especially after the quarantine. As for dental hygiene, I hope we do well and become what we strived for. It’s definitely nerve wracking thinking about it, but 2 years of hard work and dedication is all we need. We got this.

    2. Hi Christine, by any chance are you talking about C.O. Bigelow? If so, then we might’ve seen each other and not even know it! I was referred to the pharmacy by a doctor I used to go to for the homeopathic medicine there. Anyways, I also have a cat! I think she hates me though hahaha.

  20. Hello, everyone!!! I am Lilia , but here in US usually go by Lilly ( it’s easier to pronounce:)……. Originally, I am from Republic of Moldova and I live in USA for about 10 years. I have a BS in economics back in my country, but here working as a dental assistant I discovered that this field is pretty interesting for me and applied for DH program. Besides English, I speak Romanian and Russian languages. I am part of the evening classes and my classes are Den1100, Den1112 and Den1114.
    See you soon, everyone!

  21. Hello everyone! My name is Fariza and I’m Day section student. I’m from Uzbekistan and I think I’m the only one here that from Uzbekistan. That’s my third year in city tech. The reason why I choose this major is because of my struggles. When I was a kid I never pay attention to my teeth, did not take care of my teeth. I was not even 20 years old but most of my teeth were bad and I always went to the dentist. I have very beautiful teeth but I never took care of them as a child (kid). So that was the big reason why I choose this program and will help other kids, people to take care of their teeth. Also I’m big fan of CR7 (CRISTIANO RONALDO) I love watching his games. My first language is Tadjik and also can speak in Uzbek, Russian, Turkish, English. My current courses are DEN1100, DEN1112 DEN1114. I hope we will be very successful in this program. Let’s all help to each other, to be honest I hate online classes I like group studying to share ideas study together do everything together I feel like this way much easier to study 2 brain better that 1 brain are you guys agree? So let’s get this We CAN DO IT!!!

    1. Hi Fariza, it’s great to hear you can speak so many languages. I have always wanted to learn more than one language.
      Online classes is a challenge for everyone tbh. I really hope that things get better & life resumes as normal. However, we can always study together & exchange ideas through Watsapp groups.

    2. Hello, I find your stories similar to mine. Back then, when I was kid I did not really take care of my oral hygiene either. Also, on top of that oral hygiene was not given much priority back in my country, Nepal. That’s why I was not aware of the oral hygiene as a kid and once I get older it was little late. Because of that I would like to pursue my degree in dental hygiene and share my knowledge with kids that are unaware of oral hygiene.

  22. Hello everyone. My name is Ruben, I am 26 years old. I am very excited to start this journey, also a little bit nervous. I am from Venezuela and I moved to the US 3 years ago and I like it here so far. After I graduate from high school i went as an exchange student to Belgium for one year where I had the chance to learn Dutch. My primary language is Spanish. This semester I am going to be taking DEN 1100 DEN 1112 and DEN 1114. I will be in the evening section and looking forward to meet you all.

    1. Hey Ruben,
      Nice meeting you, I am from Colombia that means we were neighbors and we didn’t even know LOL. I love the arepas and the Venezulan cuisine.
      We are in this together, hope to see you around.

    2. Hi Ruben,

      That is pretty awesome, I would love to travel to Belgium one day! I’m also nervous to start this new journey, but excited nonetheless! See you during orientation!

    3. Hi Ruben, I’m also in the evening section. That’s awesome that you attended school at Belgium as an exchange student. It must’ve been an experience for you going to all these places. I barely travel so to me that’s pretty interesting to hear about. And same as you, I’m also a bit nervous for dental hygiene, but it shouldn’t be too bad as long as we stay on top of the material. See you in clinic.

    4. Hi Ruben, That is an interesting story. My family lives in Aruba which is right off the coast of Venezuela and I also have a sister who lives in Antwerp, Belgium. I speak Dutch as well. Hoe gaat het? Alles goed?

  23. Hi Everyone! My name Is Ruby. I will be in the Evening section of the Dental Hygiene course. I am a graduate transfer student from BMCC. I was at BMCC years ago studying Early Childhood education, but then I stopped going. In the years I was out of college I was just working Retail when Dental assisting really intrigued me and decided I wanted to go to school for that. I graduated in 2014 as a Dental assistant and i’ve been in the field ever since. When I decided to go back to college I had credits at BMCC, so I decided to just change my major to Human Services just so I can get a degree and then transfer to City tech to be able to get into the Dental Hygiene program. So this will be my second degree.

    When I’m not working, I like to spend time with my bf and my almost 3-yr-old dog, Oliver. He’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle mix. I also like to try new foods/drinks/restaurants, meeting new people. but, I also like to stay home, watch shows/movies and just be a homebody. I’m an ambivert, at its finest.

    In my first year as Dental Hygiene student I will be taking DEN 1100, DEN 1112 and DEN 1114.

    My future plans is to graduate as a Registered Dental Hygienist and then further my education as a Registered Dental hygienist while working.

    I really enjoy being in the Dental field and I’m so excited to start this journey with you all! Even though we are all in different sections, I hope that we get to be friends and help each other out. We are in this together! Can’t wait to meet you all!

    1. Hi Ruby!
      I currently volunteer and have the same responsibilities as a dental assistant; so far I am enjoying it! It motivates me even further to study more about dentistry. I met one of the hygienists at the clinic and she graduated from City Tech, which is pretty cool.

      I believe we emailed each other before about our program. It was a pleasure to conversate with you. You were very kind as well! I look forward in meeting you in person. 🙂

    2. Hi Ruby,

      It’s great that you’re working on your second degree and how you want to further your education. I also love to try out new foods from different cultures. Hope to meet you on campus!

  24. Hello classmates of the Dental Hygiene Program,

    I am immensely proud of all of us for working so hard to get into this program; let’s continue to be diligent and achieve our goals. My name is Ivy Li and I am in the evening section. During my free time, I volunteer at a dental clinic to gain more experience on how the work environment is like and also learn terms that may be helpful towards studying dentistry. I’m also fond of playing sports like volleyball and handball. Besides being active, I would playing games to train my brain for cognitive thinking, such as thinking of strategies for a solution to tackle down problems.

    Here are some fun facts about me:
    -Able to speak three languages fluently: English, Cantonese, and Taishanese (I can comprehend and speak a bit of Spanish as well)
    -Attended Binghamton University during my freshman and sophomore year
    -Conducted research on Quantum Dots (they are materials that are used in multiple electronic applications)

    Courses I’ll be taking during the Fall semester: DEN 1100, DEN 1112, DEN 1114

    1. Hi Ivy!!

      I’m so happy that we’ve made it and we got accepted!! I remember how we were super anxious waiting for the letter to come but we made it! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us and to see whats the next step is. Also, researching quantum dots seems very interesting!!

    2. Hi Ivy,

      It’s crazy that you speak Taishanese because not many people know of the language. Anyway, I love how you keep yourself active by playing sports like volleyball. I admire how you go out of your way to keep yourself busy. Can’t wait to see you on campus although we’re from different sections!

  25. Hello everyone, my name is Gabriella. I am in the evening section for Dental Hygiene. I am a transferred student from Hostos Community College. I am an Orthodontic Dental Assistant. I will be taking 3 courses this semester which are DEN 1100, DEN 1112 AND DEN 114. Looking forward to meeting you all.

  26. Hello Everyone, my name is Julian. I am in the day section for Dental Hygiene. I recently transferred to city tech a couple semesters ago from queensborough community college where I used to pursue Architecture. While I pursue my dental hygienist dream, I hope I can become a dental assistant in the mean time to get some experience in the field. I love art, anime, fashion, and music and this semester I will be taking 4 courses DEN 1100, DEN 1114, DEN 1112 and COM 1330. Let’s have a great semester !

  27. Hello all. My name is Sana. I am in the Day section. Currently I am taking DEN 1100, DEN 1114, DEN 1112.
    I moved to New York in Nov 2018 with my family. I live in Queens with my husband & 3 kids(8yrs,6yrs & 10 months). I had my girl during my Fall 20’ semester. It was an overwhelming semester but I was lucky to have some amazing professor during that semester.
    I was studying Medicine in Pakistan but I had to shift to Middle East with my husband during my studies. I taught Biology in a school there but I always missed the health care field. When I moved here I did not waste a single day & started preparing for college. I studied really hard to get into this program & I hope it proves to be lucky for all of us.
    I love to cook for my family. 3 boys in my house are really fond of food & always want something new. So I am always eager to try & experiment new recipes for them.
    I am very excited to pursue a career in the dental hygiene field & I do plan to do a bachelors too in this field.

    1. Hi Sana, neat introduction! I enjoy it when my family gets a chance to try new recipes too. So far our main dish is anything with salmon, but looking forward to adding new plates to the list!

  28. Hello all, my name is Jonelle and I am in the Evening Section for Dental Hygiene. I enjoy rock music, baking cookies, and spending time at the park with my family. I plan to graduate with a college degree and have plans to settle down and grow my family further in a new home outside of New York. Looking forward to meeting you all in the upcoming semester!

  29. Hi everyone, I’m Joey and I will be in the day section. I actually applied for the Fall 2020 semester but was sadly waitlisted. So I spent the year taking advantage of COVID-19 travel prices (I know it was ill-advised but I made sure I was safe and never caught COVID!), working as a dental assistant around Brooklyn, and taking additional pre-req courses for dental school for when I decide to pursue that path in the future. This year, I re-applied for the program and am now an accepted Dental Hygiene student!
    Besides the 3 first semester DEN courses, I’m also currently taking: BIO3302 – Microbiology, BIO3523 – Nutrition, and COM1330 – Public Speaking. Those are my remaining corequisite courses required for graduation so I want to take them while those classes are still being done online.
    On my free time, I love to play games; been a gamer all my life which has made me really competitive. I also love being active outdoors like going running, hiking, swimming, and playing basketball (big NBA fan).
    I look forward to studying and working hard with all of you!

    1. Hello Joey,
      I was also waitlisted before so I am glad we are able to get accepted in to the program. Hope that we are able to get through this together and graduate.

  30. Hello everyone! My name is Jessica Sullivan and I am in the day section for the dental hygiene program. I am taking DEN 1100, 1112, and 1114. I am 24 years old and am from Staten Island, NY. About exactly a year ago I moved into an apartment in Jersey City with my two best friends and our two cats named Alaska and Gouda (after the cheese). My interest in the dental field originated from a dental hygiene/dental laboratory program offered as an elective course at my high school. My instructor for that class got me a job at an orthodontic office where I worked as an assistant until I graduated went on to attend school at Stony Brook University in Long Island. My original plan was to become an orthodontist, but I ended up switching my major to psychology. While at school I worked as an ophthalmologist assistant and then began working as a receptionist at a dermatology office upon graduation, where I still currently work. I realized I had no significant aspirations in the field of psychology, but still had an interest in dentistry, so I decided to go back to school for dental hygiene. My future plans are to complete the dental hygiene program at City Tech, get a job at a nice office, move to Hoboken, and eventually start a family. My hobbies include hiking, running, trying new trendy restaurants with friends, and watching a lot of reality tv with my roommates such as Love Island (although I don’t think I will have much time for that anymore lol). I am nervous but also super excited to start the semester and to be closer to having a career.

  31. Hello everyone! My name is Evelyn Ramos and I am in the evening section. I am taking DEN 1100, 1112, and 1114. I am 19 years old, but in 4 days I’ll be 20. I love spending time with my family and my havanese puppy named Milo. As for my future plans, I hope to graduate as a dental hygienist and work in that field until I can eventually become a dentist!

    1. Hi Evelyn! Nice to meet you!
      I love to spend time with puppies too. But unfortunately, I don’t have a doggie yet.
      Can’t wait to see you! And hopefully one day I can get a chance to meet your adorable puppy too!

  32. Hi everyone, this is Xiaoyan liu. You guys can call me Krystal if it’s easier for you. I am in the day section 10 class. Just a little bit of background of myself. I am a Chinese immigrant. I have been here since I was 14. I love to play basketball and watch Asian dramas. I am currently taking three required dental hygiene classes , one nutrition class and one music. My future plan is to graduate from city tech as a dental hygiene student and become a professional hygienist. Also, travel around the world when I get old.

    1. Hi Krystal! I am taking nutrition too. I played basketball when I was in high school and maybe one day we can go exercise together.
      Hope to see you soon!

  33. My hobbies are: fishing, watching movies, and travelling. I’ve been to 17 countries, and my goal besides becoming a dental hygienist is to travel the world! I’m an evening section student. My classes this semester are: DEN1100; DEN1112; DEN1114.
    Can’t wait to meet you all in person!

    1. Hi Marita! It’s nice to meet you. I’m so jealous that you’ve been to so many different countries and had so many experiences! Definitely something I’d want to do in the future.

    2. HI Marita , it is nice to see that you like fishing. I thought it is more for males but now I might reconsider my thoughts. Maybe in a future we can have some fishing trip to Alaska for Chinook salmon.

  34. Hello all, my name is Jiaming. I am in the day section for Dental Hygiene.
    This is my fifth year in the US, and my fifth year working as a dental assistant. I enjoy working in the dental office and I found out how fascinating dentistry is when I am doing my job. I like watching horror movies. My best record was watching six scary movies in a row. But thanks to this hobby, I got used to bloody scenarios, thus, I can stay calm when I assist in dental surgery.
    My current course for this semester is DEN1100, DEN1112, DEN1114, and BIO3524.
    My plan is to become a dental hygienist, and hopefully one day I can apply for dental school after I settle down.
    I look forward to seeing you all!

    1. Hi Jiaming
      It’s amazing that you’ve worked as a dental assistant for as long as you’ve been in the US! Also, I commend you for being able to watch so many horror movies in a row, I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it

    2. Hi, Jiaming. Very nice meeting you during clinical today. I love watching horror movies too. We should watch some together during our breaks from studying. I admire how hardworking you are—doing dental assisting throughout the years and studying in the field of dentistry.

  35. Hi everyone!

    My name is Amanda Wong. I transferred to City tech after my sophomore year from University at Buffalo. I’ve only taken a few classes here so I’m still familiarizing myself with the school.
    I’m in the day section and my current courses are DEN 1100, DEN 1114, and DEN 1112.

    I’m currently working as a dental assistant, a job that I love and learned a lot from. It made me become more excited to pursue dental hygiene as a career.

    My plan for the future is to become a successful and knowledgeable hygienist while having a little happy family of my own.

    Some things I like to do in my free time are watching korean dramas/variety shows, cleaning while listening to music, and catching up with friends.

    Can’t wait to meet everyone!

    1. Hi Amanda
      I also enjoy watching korean dramas and variety shows in my downtime! I was also a little confused when I first arrived at City Tech but you’ll get the hang of it soon

    2. Hi Amanda. I also went to University at Buffalo! Do you miss it? Honestly, the lifestyle of being away/dorming for college was so fun to me that I actually miss it a lot. I’m also working as a dental assistant too! Only one day a week now since classes have started. Looking forward to working hard this semester with you.

  36. Hey everyone my name is Andrea Thompson, I am in the evening section. I am currently taking DEN 1100, DEN 1112 and DEN 1114. I have a BS in Business Marketing but recently decided to return to school to pursue a career in Dental Hygiene.
    When I’m not working or at school, I spend most of my free time with my very busy three year old daughter, Amaya. There’s never a dull moment with her around! I also enjoy traveling, dining out, and spending time with my family and friends. I am excited to be a part of this program and I’m looking forward to meeting you all.

  37. Your name

    Section (Day/Evening)

    Brief personal and/or professional background about your interests, hobbies, pets, etc.

    Your current courses

    Future plans

    Your picture attachme
    My name is Monika Rahman. I am in Day Section. I was born in Bangladesh, I moved here when I was 12. I am currently working as dental assistant. I used to work as an eye technician/assistant as well. It was a great experience to learn something new in a different field. I had to recently stopped working with them because of classes. I like to explore new places, try varieties of food and love to take pictures. I have a pet which is a lovebird. I love it much.

  38. Hello,
    My name is Monika Rahman. I am in Day Section. I was born in Bangladesh, I moved here when I was 12. I am currently working as dental assistant. I used to work as an eye technician/assistant as well. It was a great experience to learn something new in a different field. I had to recently stopped working with them because of classes. I like to explore new places, try varieties of food and love to take pictures. I have a pet which is a lovebird. I love it much. I am currently taking DEN 1100,1112 AND 114. I want to get my future job and buy a house.

    Thank you

  39. Hello everyone, my name is Connie and I am a Day section student. I currently work in a pediatric dental office, and I’m taking DEN 1100, 1112, and 1114. I love skylines and sunsets! You can definitely catch me with my phone camera, ready to take a pic. As for my future plans/goals, I want to graduate from the dental hygiene program and get my license as an RDH.

    I am very ready and happy to start this next step with all of you!

    1. Hi Connie! That’s so cool! My goal is to work in a pediatric dental office because I love working with children. Also sunsets are the best! Especially over the water. See you in class! You got this!

  40. Hi my name is Chanelys Amparo. I am in Day Section currently taking DEN 1100, DEN 1114, and DEN 1112.. I was born in Dominican Republic, I moved here 3 years ago. I transferred to City tech a few months ago. I’ve only taken a few classes here so I’m still familiarizing myself with the school. I am currently working as a receptionist. I really love to explore new places and go out to try different food from other countries and know about their traditions and beliefs. I am really energetic and outgoing person. Some of the things I like to do in my free time is to go to the park and enjoy the nature and quietness.

    My plan for the future is to become a successful and brilliant hygienist who gives confidence and comfort to my patients. Also I would love to have my own house and family.

    I can’t wait to meet you all!

  41. Hi my name is Chanelys Amparo, I am day section and currently taking DEN 1100, DEN 1114, and DEN 1112. I was born in Dominican Republic. I moved here 3 years ago. Currently, I am working as a receptionist. I transferred to City tech a few months ago. I’ve only taken a few classes here so I’m still familiarizing myself with the school. I really love and enjoy to go out and explore new places, trying different foods from other countries and learning about their culture and beliefs. I am an energetic and outgoing person.

    I love to go to the park to seat down and enjoy the nature and quietness.

    My future plans are to be a successful and brilliant hygienist who gives comfort and confident to my patients. Besides that, I would love to have my own house and family,

    I can’t wait to meet you all!!

  42. Hello everyone! My name is Drew Goldie Mayme H. Medina and I am in the Day section. I am originally from the Philippines, and I moved here in New York in 2018.
    As a child, I had always wanted to work in the dental field; I was not sure if I want to be a dentist, a dental lab technician, or a dental hygienist. In my junior year in high school, deciding for a major to take in college was hard; but after getting advises from other people and researching about the majors that I was considering, I made a decision to pursue dental hygiene as career. I love being inside a dental clinic and I can really see myself working as a dental hygienist in the future.
    The other courses that I am in are: COMD 1123, ARTH 1106, I am just taking these courses because I need to be a full-time student; but I am also into art–I like drawing, painting. And I like fashion too. 🙂

  43. Hello Everyone,
    My name is Ricky Zheng and I am in the day section. I am 21 years old and I am currently taking DEN 1100, DEN 1112, and DEN 1114. My hobbies is to stay at home and play games with my friends, watch dramas, and sometimes cook. I can fluently speak Mandarin and I love animals especially dogs, but unfortunately I am allergic to them. My future plan is graduate from dental hygiene, get a job, then maybe go to dental school to get a higher education.

  44. Hi, my name is David Narain. I am following the day section. I have lived, worked, and studied in the USA, Netherlands and Aruba. I can speak English, Dutch, and Papiamento (lingua franca of Aruba) My professional background is in film/television production and most recently I have been working as a property manager. However, I have always had an interest in doing something related to the medical field and so I decided to go back to school after 10 year hiatus. My interests are cooking/food, films, music, traveling, gym, and now of course…Dental Hygiene.

    1. Hey David,
      It is so interesting to see that you have worked and lived in other countries, can speak multiple languages and have experience in various other fields. How is the transition from film/television production and property managing to being a student again ?

  45. Hello everyone,
    My name is Yeidy Diaz and I am part of the day section student. I was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to New York when I was 10 years old. I have no prior work experience in the dental field, but my dream is to become a dental hygienist and later on become an orthodontist. I am currently enrolled in MAT 1275, DEN 1114, BIO 3524, DEN 1112, and of course DEN 1100, so this year is going to be really challenging, rip to my social life. I enjoy nature, swimming, traveling and trying new foods. I don’t have any pets at the moment but I would like to have a cat in the future.

    I look forward to meeting all of you on campus.

    1. Hi Yeidy. I would give you my cat (she hates me) if I could but my sister would kill me hahaha. I’m looking forward to taking on BIO 3524 with you and working together as DEN clinic cubicle partners!

  46. Hello everyone.
    My name is Svitlana Holovko and I am in Day Section (morning) Den 1100. My other courses are Den 1112 and Den 1114. I was born in Ukraine and moved to US 16 years ago. Since that time I worked as a dental assistant but now I am ready to start a new chapter in my life.
    Being a student and mother of two kids ( daughter 19y.o. and son 8 y.o.) is not easy but when you have passion to something nothing can stop you ! I don’t have a specific hobby at this moment but when I have a chance to enjoy my own time I like to sew( remodel old close to something new and unique ). Also, I have a named Vamis he was adopted from street wen he was a little kitten, and 11y.o. horse named Simba( he belongs to my daughter). So, if you guys wish to have a horse back riding – you are very welcome to visit the stable at Bay Academy riding club !
    I wish ” Good luck ” to everyone !

  47. Hello everyone,
    My name is Zongyu Wei. I am in Day Section and my current courses are DEN 1100, DEN 1112, and DEN 1114. I was born in China and moved here when I was 16, so this is my fifth year in US. I love spending time with my family and friends, I also like watch movies. My future plan is to graduate from city tech and become a successful dental hygienist. Looking forward to meeting you all!

  48. Hello Everyone! My name is Michelle Loforte, I’m 19 years old and this is currently my third year here at City Tech. I transferred here my freshman year from LIU Brooklyn, where I was studying Pharmacy. I’m in the evening section of the Dental Hygiene program, and am also just about completed with my degree in Health Science. I pride myself in being very driven, disciplined, and hardworking. I look forward to the opportunities that the Dental Hygiene program is going to offer me, and hope that I am challenged to my potentials. My primary goal is to someday become a the best RDH I can possibly be. I am currently enrolled in all the required dental courses, as well as Health Care Ethics, Introduction to Communication in Healthcare Professions, and Research Methods for Social and Behavioral Sciences. I hope that myself and my fellow classmates exceed in all of our desired courses, and have a great semester!

  49. Hello everyone,
    I am Palmo Gurung. I am one of the student from evening class. Currently, I am taking DEN 1100, DEN 1112 and DEN 1114 for this semester. Talking about myself, I am originally from Nepal. I am not sure if most of you heard about Nepal or not. Since, it is small country, I found out that most of the people that I met they have never heard of Nepal. So, I moved here after graduating from high school in Nepal. I am also working as the part time dental assistant just to gain more information and experiences in dental field although it is little tougher to manage time on both sides. Visiting new places and exploring about that and also watching documentaries are the things that I liked to do when I get free time. For now, my goal is to become a dental hygienist in pediatric office.

  50. Hello everyone! My name is Olufunmilayo Coker, but as a few of you know, I go by my middle name Grace. My other courses are DEN 1100 and DEN 1114. I’m 27 years old and I have a Bachelors in English with a focus in Creative Writing. I love to write poetry and short stories, and I hope to one day publish a collection or a novel in my spare time. I also enjoy singing and taking road trips with friends and my husband. I love working with people and serving my community so going for a degree in Dental Hygiene was an easy choice for me. I hope we are all able to do well in our current courses and all the courses to come! Start together, finish together!

  51. Hello everyone! My name is Olufunmilayo Coker, but as a few of you know, I go by my middle name Grace. My other courses are DEN 1100 and DEN 1114. I’m 27 years old and I have a Bachelors in English with a focus in Creative Writing. I love to write poetry and short stories, and I hope to one day publish a collection or a novel in my spare time. I also enjoy singing and taking road trips with friends and my husband. I love working with people and serving my community so going for a degree in Dental Hygiene was an easy choice for me. I hope we are all able to do well in our current courses and all the courses to come! Start together, finish together!

    1. Hello Grace! Your background in English and love for writing will definitely come in handy in many DH classes as there is plenty of writing involved. Love your positive spirit and enthusiasm! Happy to have you in our class.

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