Work place culture

I want to assume that the attire at Ms. Wolfes office is Business casual but due to covid restrictions we’ve been meeting and handling work through Zoom and google drives. I’ve seen the office in the background of are calls and based on her attire I’m going with business casual as the norm for her operation. When we meet I usually wear a polo shirt but usually I wear shirt I wore during my morning job which is usually business casual attire similar to what she wears. luckily since it’s a zoom call I can easily swap out my jeans with some sweatpants or shorts since she can’t see my legs; She may be doing something similar herself. Her work station actually looks relatively neat and I can even see the second computer that I theoretically would have been using If I worked from her office. Since were remote I usually Meet her on zoom twice a week for 2 hours and do work anywhere from 2 to 3 hours a day and email her updates with any work or information I have for her. Usually I start at 3pm but every now and then I start a bit later but I make sure to put down the 2 or 3 hours a day that we agreed on. Due to the flexibility I can effectively eat lunch at any point before I start, as I’m working, or after I’m finished for the day. It’s flexible but I still have to report in with a daily update so that usually keeps me relatively focused and adds some element of structure to the whole process.

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