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Progress Report #2


  • The Player
  • Demon
  • Little Girl


  • Cell Scene

  • Dark Hallway

  • Sealed Demon tomb
  • Secret Laboratory


Game Art:


Demon Door Sprite sheet:


Player will interact with the Demon sealed behind this door and will have to choose whether or not to undo the seal.


Various interactable items etc.:

Variety of items the player will interact with. Keys, doors, cell gates, searching under bed etc.




Framework of script used to handle the player’s inventory including items obtained throughout play through to be used for the player’s knowledge and to help them progress.


Item interaction script to handle the events between the player interacting with certain items. Obtaining keys, reading books off of shelves for information, opening locked doors etc.


Player movement script that handles the player’s point and click navigation.


Overall Update:


All sprites for characters and items are completed and simply just need to be added into their respective part of the game.

The initial cell scene where the player starts is completed with all the items in the scene programmed and inserted properly.

The second scene for the dark hallway’s background art is completed and three items need to be programmed and inserted for the player to interact with.

The third scene with the sealed demon needs UI work regarding the dialogue between the player character and the demon.

The fourth scene with the laboratory and the Little Girl npc has all the interactable items added and programmed. UI dialogue between the player and the Little Girl needs to be added.

Title screen needs to be added.

Need to add the background soundtracks and sfx obtained from freesounds and opengameart.