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 The Immense Intimacy, the Intimate Immensity


The world now, I feel, does not see poetry in the same manner that people did in the past. Poetry enriches and deepens real-life experiences, I believe that poetry can help you find intimacy inside yourself. Poems have the ability to arouse our senses and emotions because they were written with similar sentiments in mind. Hirsch talks about poetry like it is something that we should be addicted to. I do believe that good poetry makes you feel alive and whole but poetry cannot make someone’s life perfect. His argument is well written, yet it appears to be overstated because he then develops into his need for poetry. On the other hand, I don’t think you can comprehend Mr. Hirsch’s comments until you’ve been immersed in the passion of poets and their works.


In Robert Pinsky’s “The Art of Poetry”, He emphasizes that in order to comprehend art, you must first comprehend not only why the art appeals to you, but also what your examples of art are. “Minstrel Man” by Langston Hughes caught my attention,it has a lot of emotions and I believe that many individuals can connect to it. We pretend that everything is well by walking around with a smile on our faces. Writing poetry allows you to express yourself through the written word, to go more deeply into your emotions, thoughts, and ideas. The poet is describing pain and suffering, Hughes affirms that by masking his anguish with smiles and laughing, people would believe he was content. 



Hey everyone, my name is Deshira! I’m currently a Nursing major here at City tech. The pronouns that I go by are her/she.  I come from a traditional Albanian household. I came to America when I was three years old, and been living in Brooklyn practically my whole life. On my free time, I like going to the gym, watching movies, spending time with family and friends, shopping etc.  I really enjoy going to school in  person because I like interacting with people, and the overall experience of being in school. Ever since I was younger, I preferred being taught in person rather than online so once the pandemic hit, it was very difficult for me to adapt to the new learning strategies. Ive never really been good with technology either which made my online learning experience worse. After all this time, I feel like I finally got used to this new system, but I can’t wait to go back to school in person.

The Paradigm | Mother painting, Mother daughter art, Mothers day drawings

The most important and meaningful thing to me is my mom. This picture is not a picture of me and my mom, but it demonstrates an image of a mother and her daughter holding hands. Im really grateful for my mom and the relationship we share. She is my biggest supporter and pushes me to move forward in life and succeed. Not only is she a mother to me, but a best friend, and I am very thankful to have her in my life.

“Stored Magic”

In “Stored Magic” by Edward Hirsch, he discusses how the poet is encouraged to create work that can transcend time, and transcend distance. Additionally, a poem that can continue on its on even though it was written centuries ago, impresses the readers with its hidden magic, meaning relatable to whoever is reading it. Therefore, when readers read a poem that was written centuries ago, they profoundly complete the poem by bringing their past experience because the poem comforts the readers and teaches them.

There are a few similarities between Edward Hirsch and Robert Pinsky. One of them is that Hirsch states “The poet incited a work that can outdistance time and surmount distance, that can bridge the gulf”. For instance, a poem called “Absolution” by Siegfried Sassoon is  a remarkable example of poetry entity that never gets old, no matter if it was written years ago.  On the other hand, Pinsky says “poetry can’t create emotion… as immediately and reliably as music, what poetry can do is come out of a person’s somatic physical imagination” this quote shows unlike, music or movies, with poetry a person’s has one’s imagination. When you are listening to music or watching movies, you see someone else’s imagination that was reflected. However, in poetry everyone imagines various things differently and understands the same thing in their own way. Therefore “Absolution” poem is an amazing example of an entity poem which gives you sense of history, where you learn the history without seeing the event.  Although, a poem can’t create emotions, it makes you think about what it’s trying to say. Indeed, poetry exists to calm a heart and and gives sense of entity by, passing a story onto next generations.

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