ENG2201 Spring 2023

Category: Discussions (Page 6 of 13)

Week 2

After reading the Gettysburg Address, I found it interesting how President Lincoln advocated for a new direction for the country. Not merely a new direction based on policies or ideologies, but how he argued that those who died must also be valued and considered. I think the reason why the Gettysburg Address remains so significant in American history is because it rings true for every generation of American history. Whether it’s abolishing slavery or fighting for the disenfranchised, there is always a price the people pay. Lincoln advocated for progression towards equality, which is remains unfilled today. The death of Tyre Nichols is an all too common tragedy that reflects the severe brutality African Americans still face.  The criminal justice system is broken and fails to serve everyone equality.  These issues plague everyday lives of minorities, whether it’s due to their race or socioeconomic status.

Week 2 assigment

Going through the offered reading, I’ve refreshed my memory and taken in some new knowledge about the past and how it still echoes in the present. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the newly added amendments tried to steer the country into a more democratic and humane direction, where all civil rights would be enjoyed by all, not just by white people. Despite many great achievements such as abolishing slavery, unification of the country, and passing the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments which guaranteed the newly freed slaves the same civil rights as those of whites, Reconstruction era failed to protect African Americans from racial violence and ensure their political rights. This failure led to present day racial discrimination and violation of the amendments. It’s hard to believe that in 21st century democratic society person can be beaten to death during a traffic stop. Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man died so tragically and senselessly. His death sparked a mass protest demonstration across the country and clearly showed that the process of social reconstruction is not finished, there is no such thing as race equality and civil right for all. That is the issue that is worth working for as it was highlighted by Timothy Hunter in his statement. Community political education, discussion with the local government, are type of works that need to be continued to ensure civil right equality.

Week 2 assignment

I gained a lot of knowledge about the Battle of Gettysburg as well as the Reconstruction Era from this week’s topic.  I was able to recall a lot of what I had previously learned, as well as learn about new things, due to the resources offered. The Reconstruction era redefined and enlarged U.S. citizenship, adjusted the relationship between the federal government and state governments, and highlighted the disparities between political and economic democracy. Amendments 13-15 are also known as the Reconstruction Amendments. They were the first to be enacted immediately following the Civil War, and they all addressed issues with the legal and political standing of African Americans. Living in New York City, I’ve seen several occurrences that violate the Amendments. An example of this is the death of Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man who died after being beaten by five Memphis police officers during a traffic stop. Protests against police brutality continued in New York city.  The protests were a part of a nationwide wave of demonstrations in the aftermath of Tyre Nichols’ death. Today we are uncomfortable admitting that although the Reconstruction amendments were passed to protect the rights of Africa Americans, The Reconstruction amendments have deliberately failed the United States.

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