ENG2201 Spring 2023

Category: Discussions (Page 4 of 13)

week 3

Reading through the first chapters, we learned that story of Huck’s adventures is told by the boy himself. His narrative is casual and crude, it belongs to the boy who came from the lowest level of white society. He was homeless, got away from his abusive father, and is now under the foster care of Widow Douglas and her sister Miss Watson. Huck has a funny way of speaking like a boy who is very uncomfortable in his new surroundings. He is bored with the way wealthy people live and always got in trouble with the Widow Douglas who is constantly wanted to ‘civilize’ him. Huck never put anything on faith, instead, whatever adults tell him he put under his life experience scrutiny. Right away he noticed a folly in Widow’s so ‘civil’ behavior when she did not let him smoke citing it as a bad habit but snuffed tobacco herself. Right away we see how the author compared white middle-class educated and ‘civil’ Tom who is so hung up on unrealistic and sentimental stories from the books, and down to earth ‘uncivil’ Huck, who is trying to find his way in life questioning everything and everybody’s behavior. Being ‘street’ smart allowed him to keep the money out of his abusive father’s reach. Pap is really something – when he tries to take the money, nothing really can stand in his way, and harming his own child in a way of getting it is no big deal to him. He is despicable and his talks are repulsive as well. Through him we first hear how the white population is considered a different race. In those first chapters, we learn about slavery in southern society. Pap continues to rant about a mixed-race man in town and is disgusted that the man is allowed to vote in his home state of Ohio and that legally he cannot be sold into slavery until he has been in Missouri for six months. Even Huck’s attitude toward slaves is very condescending. He considered them not smart, loaded with a bunch of superstitions, and only good to be home servants.

huckleberry finn

In Huckleberry Finn we learn a lot about Hucks upbringing and surroundings. A key event that grabbed my attention was when Pap popped back into Huck’s life after not seeing him for a while. Huck was doing good, he was going to school and enjoying, he also had his money deal with the judge. Pap for some reason, wanted Huck to stop going to school and decided to take Huck’s last dollar to buy alcohol. This key event bothered me so much because as a father, who isnt really even a father figure to his son, completely took advantage of the only good his son was putting on for himself. To then basically kidnap Huck and hold him against his will far from home just to treat him terribly and bring Huck into his old bad habits of smoking and swearing.  Pap appearing back into Huck’s life was detrimental to the path Huck was on .


I find this novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to be very interesting. There are a lot of life lessons to learn from it. The novel tells the story of Huckleberry Finn’s escape from his alcoholic and abusive father and Huck’s adventurous journey down the Mississippi River together with the runaway slave Jim. A lot happened in this novel but I feel like in conclusion, I would say, this story is a combination of difficult subjects such as moral responsibility, adventurous, and I feel like it questions right and wrong. At the end of the reading I learnt a lot and I know there’s so much to learn from this novel. It’s such a great story.

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