ENG2201 Spring 2023

Category: Discussions (Page 13 of 13)

Hey everyone,

My name is Argelia I usually go by Naomi which is my middle name. I use she/her pronouns. I was born in Brooklyn NY which is where I spent most of my life. I currently live in staten island because rent is cheaper. My major is Law and paralegal studies, the reason I chose this major is my passion for law. One of the area of law I would like to specialize in is immigration. I have immigrate parents and I know how hard it was for them to come to this country. I want to have the ability to help people in need asking for asylum or just petitioning for a relative. Some of my hobbies consist of baking, traveling, photography, shopping ā€œ my kids and I are always in targetā€ , random little getaways, dancing, singing “although I’m off key”, love going to the movies, reading etc.Ā 

Below is a picture of the two most important people in my life which are my kids. They are part of the reason I decided to come back to school. They are what keeps me motivated to continue although sometimes it not easy. I know it will be all worth it at the end. Although my life didnā€™t take the course I imagined for it to take I am grateful to have them both.Ā 



I look forward to getting to know everyone and I hope everyone has a great semester!

All the best,Ā 


Hello everyone,

My name is Rebecca Shvarts, and I useĀ  she/her pronouns. I was born in theĀ  United States. I have lived in NY Brooklyn all my life. My major is Nursing. The reason I chose nursing isĀ  because, I wanted to become a nurse to learn howĀ  to help patients with injuries and sickness. As well as, to learn and understandĀ  with which medications are helpful, and which ones are not to treat my patients. My grandmother is a doctor and she inspiredĀ  meĀ  on how she is very wise with how to help my family with sickness to become better. She is my role model. Getting into the Nursing MajorĀ  has really been challenging but processing through it. My academic interests in nursing is understandingĀ  how to communicate with the patients about their diagnosis. In addition to, how to properly deal with their medications, and how to treat them with proper care due to the state that they are in. Some of my hobbies are exercising, cooking, swimming, soccer, iceskating, gaming, dancing, driving, photography, traveling with my parents to new exotic exciting places I haven’t explored yet.


Below is a pictureĀ  of my catĀ  modelingĀ  for my photography shoot for a class project. I hadĀ  for my photography class in HighSchool. Ever since he came into my lifeĀ  andĀ  trusted me more. I have used pictures of him to remember by. HowĀ  my cat posed for cute, funny, adorable, serious photos. He hasĀ  trusted my family moreĀ  later in the years. He became one with my family, and we took great care of him and he loves us so much for it. My pictures of him were not just for my class projects , but as reminder to me and my family how great, joyful and wonderful, supportive when when we need him . He is ourĀ  grateful floofĀ  and we love him.

Best regards,

Rebecca Shvarts




















Hello all,

My name is Jamil and I use he/him pronouns. I’m originally from Oakland, CA but I’ve been living in NYC since about 2014. My major is Communication Design. I’ve been conflicted about this major though as I’m more of a fine artist rather than a designer. But I still enjoy it and want to see where this goes. I’ve had one foot in and one foot out of school since forever but I’ve decided it’s time to quit messing around and finish my undergraduate. So I’m definitely excited to get the ball rolling this semester. I’m currently living in Yonkers so I’m glad this is one less class I have to commute for lol. Some of my hobbies are: Drawing, painting, learning art history, writing, watching films/documentaries, talking politics, travelling, tinkering with computers, learning new languages, going to the library, etc.

Below is a drawing I did of Chadwick Boseman for an art class I was taking at City Tech back in 2021.Ā  It means a lot to me for a couple reasons: One, he’s just someone who spread so much positivity and was so humble throughout his career as an actor. He accomplished so much and opened doors for so many others. When he passed, I was taken aback as I’m sure many people were. I realized there aren’t many people like him and that it’s important to be mindful of the impact he’s had on other people and likewise the world around him. And that if we could just incorporate the sort of love and compassion Chadwick had and apply that to how we treat each other, the world would be a much better place. And Two, it just marks a significant improvement in my technical skill as a visual artist. Although technical skill isn’t everything, I was proud of how far I’ve come with drawing. It’s been a passion of mine since I was a kid and even though it’s hard to keep the motivation going as an adult, I know it’s something I have to keep doing. I put a lot of work into this drawing and it shows.

Looking forward to meeting everybody!

Best regards,



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