ENG2201 Spring 2023

Author: Mark Noonan (Page 1 of 4)

Finish “The Great Gatsby”; Final Post Due: Monday, May 22

Hi Students,

Please complete reading “The Great Gatsby” this week (and please do watch the film version of it, which will add to your appreciation of the work).

I recommend watching the 2013 film adaptation of the novel, which is on Amazon Prime.

Here is another excellent version from 1974 starring the legendary actors Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. This is a free version.



We have two weeks remaining for our course.  Be sure to check the gradebook link (on the right) to see that you are caught up with your assignments. Be especially sure to have uploaded (and revised) your Modernism/Harlem Renaissance assignment.  This assignment counts as your final formal essay.

For this week, I ask that you keep reading The Great Gatsby.  It’s also a great time to watch the film version of it.

The first half of the film captures the first two chapters that you have read for this week.  Please read chapters 3-6 this week.

In chapter 3, Nick Carraway (our narrator) finally meets his wealthy elusive neighbor (Jay Gatsby). In Chapter 4, we learn about the rumors of who the Great Gatsby might really be. But when Jay takes Nick for a ride in his beautiful yellow Rolls Royce for a trip into the city, he learns the truth.  But, of course, the truth about one’s identity is multifaceted, as this novel explores.  Chapter 5 is the moment when Daisy and Gatsby come face to face again (they were sweet-hearts before he went to Europe to fight in WWI – and took way too much time coming back!).

When you complete the novel (and hopefully watch the film), I ask that you post a final comment, reflecting on the work as it relates to a theme that persists today in 2023 (morality, identity, class issues, gender issues, the frailty of “fame” in the age of social media, finding authentic meaning, etc.). Final Post Due: Monday, May 22

So far, you have done an outstanding job exploring some emerging themes and commenting on key lines.   

The Illusion of the American Dream

Tasneim, for example, writes how the novel critiques “the concept of the “American Dream” — the basic American idea that anybody can succeed through drive and dedication, no matter their background or status. But this book proves that this dream is only a dream and not reality.”

Collisions of Class

Jamil notes the important class distinctions in the novel, writing “I was impressed at how conscious Nick was about the differing class structure and his position within it. He seems super aware of it and its effect on the world around him. This is most apparent in chapter one when he is having lunch with Daisy and Tom. Everything about them and their home seems so posh and bourgeois. There’s something about their nonchalant, entitled attitude that unsettles Nick. I think this sort brings into question the point and the meaning in all of this. What is the meaning of wealth and how does this relate to what life is really all about at the end of the day?”

Wilson adds to this topic, writing “Things were difficult for those in lower social standing. No matter how high they climb, ones in upper social standing set the bar higher. And even if they reach upper class, there will be no difference in attitude because of their birthright.”  When we get to the final chapters, we’ll see how Jay Gatsby, rich as he is, doesn’t finally have the same standing at Tom and Daisy Buchanan.

Entangled Relationships

Nim writes that “The Great Gatsby” is a great novel because of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s way of presenting the difficulties in a romantic relationship. For example, Myrtle married Wilson because he was an [alleged} gentleman, but the passion she had for him dissipated as he could not provide her with a materialistic type of lifestyle. … While Myrtle really likes Tom, Tom does not have the same mutual attraction. Although being a unbelievably rude person, he is still committed to Daisy and doesn’t believe in divorce.

F. Scott Fitzgerald is particularly well known for his fine writing and remarkable, telling quotes abound

Anthony picked up on a key quote from the start of the novel. “Nick recalls how his father once told him: “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” This quote is significant because it sets the tone for the rest of the novel and highlights the theme of privilege that runs throughout.”

Michael focuses on another fascinating line.

When describing her recently conceived daughter, Daisy states, “I hope she’ll be a fool. That’s the best thing she can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” The story line depicts a time when women weren’t traditionally put in places of business and / or power. Intelligence within women wasn’t looked at admirably and the average women would have a better life by simply attracting the best man they could within those powers.” With Michael, I agree that Daisy deserves greater empathy owing to the restrictions of women (even wealthy debutantes like her) during that time.  She also seems to be one of the sharpest characters in the novel, certainly brainier then her blow-hard, racist husband, Tom.

Argelia too discusses this quote, writing that “Daisy is not a fool but is the product of a social environment that, to a great extent, does not value intelligence in women.” Given these restrictions, a “girl can only have fun if she is beautiful and simplistic.”

And, of course, let’s not forget the grand symbolism in the novel. There are the “blind eyes” of Dr. Eckleburg (a billboard for glasses) that hover over an immoral cityscape, and, as Rebecca notes, the recurring green light. In one sense, it represents “a beacon, a star that points to his great love, Daisy.” When Nick sees Gatsby look at the light in chapter one, stretching out his arms, it seems to be “a gesture full of longing and desire… It is the color of money as well.”  Look for this green light at the end of the novel as well. The film too does a great job playing on the multivarious meanings of the green light.

Week 12: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” (and Nella Larsen’s “Passing”) Post due: Tues., May 9

Hi Students,

I want to thank those of you who were able to attend the Literary Arts Festival either in person or on Zoom.  I will post a recording of the event soon for those of you who missed it.

First, a big shout out to your fellow student, Nim, who won a prize for his essay “I Care.”   Congratulations Nim!

At the festival, Akweke Emezi read from her young adult novel PET, a work of speculative fiction published in 2019. The main character is a 15-year-old Black trans girl, named Jam, who is beloved by her family and community.  The town where she lives, Lucille, is imagined as a place where there is no hatred and only support. The town’s creed (“We are each other’s harvest. We are each other’s business. We are each other’s magnitude and bond”) is a quote from African American poet Gwendolyn Brooks.

Like Emezi’s Freshwater, artwork, and journalism, PET is yet another work that calls on America (and the world) to do much better in respect to people from all different racial and ethnic backgrounds and to speak up against those who challenge the rights of the LGBTQI+ population.

Last week, I asked you to read an article on the attacks on Trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney after Budweiser sent her a can with her face on it. It was a proud moment for her (and her cause so she thought), which she shared on Instagram with her 8 million plus followers.  Here is an article on her comments in response to the insane, inhumane attacks on her that followed:

Dylan Mulvaney Speaks Out

For the remaining three weeks of class, I want to continue with the themes of equal human rights for all and acting responsibly in society.  I also want to focus on the theme of personal identity and representation in literature and the media.

All of these themes begin to be explored in the period of Literary Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance, whose authors you have been studying and writing on.

I want to end the semester by reading the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (and watching a great film version of the book, available on AmazonPrime). Published in 1922 during the height of the modernist period, the book is now 100 years old and considered one of the greatest novels ever written.  The 2013 film directed by Baz Luhrmann updates this work in very interesting ways.

As you’ll discover, The Great Gatsby is about many, many things (including the illusion of the American dream).  Its focus on Gatsby, however, deals with the issue of identity, who we are, where we come from, how we create our own identity, how others “see” us in variant ways.  At its heart, modern literature (and post-modern literature as we see in Freshwater) concerns the “many selves” that make up “the self.”

Another important novel of the 1920s on the topic of identity is Passing (1929), by Harlem Renaissance author Nella Larsen, also recently remade into a fine film (available on Netflix). Larsen’s Passing tells the story of Irene Redfield and her relationship with Clare Kendry, two childhood friends who, while African American, are able to pass as white women because of their mixed heritage. I recommend watching this film if you’ve already watched The Great Gatsby (or watching both).

For this week, I ask that you begin reading chapters 1-2 (pages 1-42) of The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

By Tues. May 9, post a paragraph response to a passage (or an aspect of the novel) you find particularly interesting. You could also focus on a particularly amazing line or section that shows how great a writer Fitzgerald is. As always, try not to repeat what another student has expressed, or better yet, continue his or her conversation with additional commentary.

Here is a brief, helpful video, to introduce you to the work and its celebrated author. 

Week 11: Awaeke Emezi’s Freshwater and the Battle for Transgender Rights

In light of our upcoming Literary Arts Festival, featuring Akwaeke Emezi (author of Freshwater), and the current controversy over Bud Light and Transgender Rights, please read and reflect on the following pieces:
“My Friends and Family Know I’m Not a Woman”: Akwaeke Emezi on Figuring Out She Is Transgender
by Otosirieze Ob-Young
January 20, 2018
Akwaeke Emezi.

Akwaeke Emezi, most recently photographed for Vogue ahead of the release of her debut novel Freshwater, has come out as a non-binary transgender person—she is not a man in a woman’s body, she is just not a woman. She realized this five years ago and has since undergone surgeries to remove her uterus.

“It’s easier when I’m alone. My friends and family know I’m not a woman — I’ve told them — but some continue to think of me as one anyway,” she writes in a new, intimate essay for New York Magazine‘s The Cut. “I ignore it because sometimes it’s easier to not fight, to accept the isolation of being unseen as a safe place. I exist separate from the inaccurate concept of gender as a binary; without the stricture of those categories, I don’t even have to think about my gender. Alone, there’s just me, and I see myself clearly.”

But her case is a peculiar one, as she is also an ogbanje—a term she has used for herself for years now. An ogbanje, in Igbo cosmology, is a being born into the world but who constantly leaves to rejoin the spirit world.

Children, inhabited by Ogbanje, (like Ada in Freshwater) grow up sensuous and multi-dimensional, while also struggling with their sense of self, an often tumultuous journey that requires enormous stamina to stay strong.  

Also read: “Behind the Backlash Against  Bud Light’s Trans Gender Influencer”

Akaeke Emezi will read from her work at the Literary Arts Festival, this Thursday, April 27 (4-6) in the New Theater on Jay Street.



Please join us at the 2023 City Tech Literary Arts Festival on Thursday, April 27, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Academic Complex Theater, 285 Jay Street.. 

This year’s event features acclaimed multidisciplinary artist, writer, and a National Book Foundation “5 Under 35” honoree Akwaeke Emezi, author of Freshwater and the bestsellers You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty and The Death of Vivek Oji

Please register here now!  

All are welcome  

There is also a limited virtual option to join by Zoom available to City Tech students, faculty & staff. Please choose the virtual option when registering for the event and the link will be sent two days before the event.  

For more information see 



Ahead of the event:

Register to attend in person or on zoom. I will also provide a recording of the event if the time and date are not convenient for you.

I will offer extra credit for any students who post their thoughts about the event and/or reading.

Watch: My introduction to  Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater: Video

Read: Chapters 1-3 of Freshwater: HERE

Content Warning: After chapter 3, the novel covers some difficult material relating to self-harm and sexual assault.  We will not be reading the full novel together but I encourage you to do so if you find the novel as captivating as I do. It is a brilliant, beautiful work but, again, covers difficult material.

I am also giving an extension for your modernism assignment. If you have not uploaded it, please do so by Wednesday, April 24th.

Here are the directions:

The Modernism Assignment asks that you review two sites on the Poetry Foundation website:

1) Literary Modernism and 2) “Harlem Renaissance”

STEP ONE: Read “Literary Modernism,” then scroll down. Choose one of the listed poets.  Read the poet’s biography, then choose one of his or her poems for discussion.

STEP TWO: Write a 3 paragraph response to the poet and poem

Paragraph #1: Summarize key points from the poet’s biography (be sure to use the biography from this site)

Paragraph #2: Connect a biographical detail to the main theme of the poem (or connect the poet or poem to a point addressed in the essay on modernism).

Paragraph#3: Discuss what you find “modern,” interesting, or unusual about the poem.  Include your favorite line(s) that demonstrate this.

STEP THREE: Do this again for a poet from the “Harlem Renaissance”

STEP FOUR: By Mon., April 27, upload this assignment to our googledrive link: HERE

To upload a file from your computer press “new” (on upper left corner) and then “upload file”

Due Date: Mon. April 27

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