ENG2201 Spring 2023

Author: Amina Ahmed (Page 1 of 2)

Assignment week 6

In the Land of the Free” by Sui Sin Far is an Edith Eaton’s short fiction. Her themes are of utmost importance which are; racial insensitivity, the human costs of bureaucratic and discriminatory laws, the humanity of the Chinese. The creation of rounded characters is a secondary concern. In Sui Sin Far’s short story, “In the Land of the Free” touches on the reality of being a Chinese immigrant in late-19th century America. The story revolves around a Chinese couple. The husband is ready for his wife, Lae Choo, to arrive from China with their new son, later named Kim. However, due to policies on immigration, the American government was forced to take possession of the child due to a lack of paperwork. However, Far’s short story has a deeper meaning than just focusing on unfair immigration policies. She takes advantage of the story’s ending to symbolize a rejection of immigrant culture, most especially Chinese immigrant culture, by taking advantage of Kim’s change in behaviors, appearance, and dialect.


I find this novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to be very interesting. There are a lot of life lessons to learn from it. The novel tells the story of Huckleberry Finn’s escape from his alcoholic and abusive father and Huck’s adventurous journey down the Mississippi River together with the runaway slave Jim. A lot happened in this novel but I feel like in conclusion, I would say, this story is a combination of difficult subjects such as moral responsibility, adventurous, and I feel like it questions right and wrong. At the end of the reading I learnt a lot and I know there’s so much to learn from this novel. It’s such a great story.

Assignment 2

Reading the Gettysburg Address, I found it to be so interesting. I actually didn’t know anything at all about Gettysburg Address. After reading it, I found so many things amusing and I realized the meaning of the Gettysburg Address is that ideals are worth dying for and that it is up to the living to carry on the work of those who died to protect ideals. The ideals of equality and freedom are the bedrock of the United States as a nation. It also talks about how the Gettysburg Address gave meaning to the sacrifice of over fifty thousand men who laid down their lives in the Battle of Gettysburg. The Gettysburg Address declared that the United States had to stand as a country where all men are created equal and should be treated as equals.

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