Unit 3 asked you to write a response essay to an article (or two) on a current issue that you find interesting.
Goals of the assignment::
- engaging in a critical dialogue with a text
- supporting claims about a text with evidence from other texts and analysis, in addition to or instead of personal experience
Purpose of the paper: To demonstrate the writer’s (your) understanding and analysis of a piece of writing; to clearly communicate the author’s argument and your evaluation of and/or agreement/disagreement with that argument.
Audience: Your classmates and instructor as an academic audience.
- Summarize the original article as necessary to introduce, focus, and develop your response to it; report what the author wrote as objectively as possible; use sufficient references to the author/article (tags). Quote key terms and phrases. Paraphrase accurately and concisely.
- Respond to the central argument of the article by analyzing the effectiveness of and/or agreeing/disagreeing with the argument.
- Focus your response by making an overall claim about the original article.
- Develop your response with the following, as appropriate: personal experience, AND evidence from the text and/or evidence from other texts.
- Edit to remove errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics so that your paper is clear and readable.
Format: Your essay should have (at minimum): an introduction, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Sample Response Essay (and additional hints)