Spring 2023

Category: Our Community (Page 3 of 4)


hello, my name is Joami some people call me jojo due to my name being hard to pronounce. My pronouns are she/her. I live in The Bronx lived there since I was six, I was born in the Dominican Republic so Spanish is my first language. I weirdly don’t like New York I get bored here so I travel as much as I can, I just came back from a trip last week.  traveling is one of my hobbies I also just started being consistent with working out. I’m really into fashion I love how you can turn a simple outfit into some thing that will capture everyones attention. I don’t know if  this is concerned a hobby but I love dressing up and going out to eat. I’m also really into cars, motorcycles, dirt bikes, really any thing that has to do with adrenaline. I want to learn how to drive manually with the shift gear but I think I’m going  to have to start with paddle shifters.


This picture is from one of my trips. This was in Costa Rica it was one of my favorite trips, we had gone to a restaurant and meet some locals and they showed us all the spots only locals knew about this was one of them it was so beautiful.

Jonathan Chan

My name is Jonathan Chan. I go by he/him pronouns. I currently live in Queens and have lived there basically my whole life. My academic interest is anything technology related and the major I’m attempting to pursue is Computer Engineering Technology. My hobbies include gaming, playing around with the components of my computer, playing around with puzzles, working out, and having fun with my friends. Ever since the 7th grade, school has been a struggle. I started to focus less on school and it got really bad by the end of high school. I started a semester at City Tech back in Fall of 2021, and it wasn’t going too well. I felt I was falling back into the same habits as the previous years. At the time, I was already a Poolee and was on the fence about whether I wanted to go through with this or not. In October of that year, I realized that I wasn’t going to succeed or reach where I wanted to during that semester and my recruiter told me there was an opening to ship to boot camp and I ended up accepting. My hope was to gain some discipline and learn to have passion for what I am doing. I am overall pretty worried about how college will go this time around but I’m hoping for the best and am going to put in the most effort I can this semester and future semesters.

This photo is important to me because it represents what I considered family and friends for the past year. Being across the country in California from the rest of my family for a year was rough, but the people I bonded with during my time there will forever be worth it. To me, this photo will always be a reminder that even with being a very introverted person, if you just open up a little at a time, you can make bonds with people that’ll last a lifetime. When first arriving there, I never would’ve guessed that I would become so close to a group of individuals but I am extremely glad I have.

Jesus Acosta

Hello, I’m Jesus but you could call me Jr. My pronouns are he/him. I was born and raised in the Bronx, but my mom is from Honduras. I am a major in Computer Engineering and math is usually my best subject.  My favorite thing to do in NYC is to play soccer. Fortunately New York City has plenty of fields and pitches to play.  Another hobby I enjoy is skateboarding though I haven’t in a while.  Beginning college is just another step I have to take to success and it’s my pleasure to work with you all.

This is the moment Messi lifted the World Cup. This photo is important to me not only because it is when Messi and Argentina won the World Cup, but because at this moment I was celebrating with my siblings. We were watching the game with a crowd of people at the World Trade Center. When Argentina was declared the winner the entire crowd went wild. This will forever be a core memory for me.

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