Spring 2023

Category: Our Community (Page 2 of 4)

Ahmad Moussa

     Hello my name is Ahmad Moussa but I go by Moussa. I was born in Egypt but moved to America when Iwas five years old. I live in brooklyn now, im studying mechanical engineering. As of now I work two jobstrying to save up for when i graduate to open up my own auto shop.On Saturdays I play football for a small league to make sure i stay in shape.Also i coach a girls flag football team on my free time.College has been good to me ever since i started its sometimes a lot work but i do my best to get it done.


This photo is showing what I love to do and the people I loved doing it with.Football was a huge part of my life it helped me alot in high school.I played for 4 years and never give up on the sport even when it put my health on the line without football and my team i don’t know where I would be now.

Angel Martinez

Hello class, My name is Angel. I’m 18 years old. I’m from the Dominican Republic, and I live in the Bronx. I am a freshman at City Tech, and I’m majoring in electromechanical engineering. My favorite activities include playing video games, watching YouTube and TikTok, and playing sports like soccer, baseball, and football. I feel like college is going great right now. I’m not having any problems.

Efty Mahmud

My name is Efty Khan Mahmud. My preferred name is Efty. I’m from Brooklyn. But I’m originally from  Bangladesh, which is a very beautiful country  in the world. My major at NYCCT is Computer engineering. My hobby is to travel the world. I choose the major Computer Engineering  over all other major because I’ve been interested in cyber security from the day I learnt about it. After completing my computer engineering major, I could learn about the favorite topic.

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